Political Outcast Obama Wants Revenge And Its Up To You To Stop - TopicsExpress


Political Outcast Obama Wants Revenge And Its Up To You To Stop Him. Yes... Barack Obama is spitting mad that the American people repudiated his socialist agenda. He wants revenge... but don’t just take our word for it. Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer warned that Barack Obama is going to sort of get his revenge on everybody by doing a reckless thing which is to legalize millions of illegal aliens, I would say, unconstitutionally, in a way that he knows is going to create a crisis. And dont let anyone tell you that Obama cant be stopped. He can be stopped. The open secret that no one in Washington discusses is that Barack Obama can make tyrannical decrees until the cows come home, but without funding from Congress his words and acclamations are meaningless... nothing more than mere words. Cutting off funding is the answer. Senator Jeff Sessions has already explained what needs to be done: We do that all the time. For example, Guantanamo would have been closed a long time ago, except Congress barred the president from spending any money to close Guantanamo. That’s what he wanted to do. ... Hundreds, thousands of legislative actions throughout the years have barred the executive branch from spending money to execute policies Congress does not want to fund. We can do that. So, if youre wondering why Obama has been allowed to get away with so much, understand that in far too many instances, Congress has tacitly approved his transgressions by permitting the funding for his radical transformation of America and it’s time that they revoke that approval. Oh yes, our elected officials will tell you that they oppose the radical Obama agenda and then... when they think you’re not looking... they fund that radical agenda. And now that you know it, it’s time to tell THEM that you know it. Thats why it is imperative for patriotic Americans to stand up, make their voices heard, and send a clear message to Washington. We dont want Congress to work with Barack Obama on his radical agenda. We dont want them to compromise with Barack Obama to get things done. The American people want Barack Obama STOPPED. The American people are expecting Congress to deny Obama the funds he needs to implement his radical agenda and the American people are demanding that they start with denying him the funding for his dictatorial amnesty decree.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 22:30:16 +0000

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