Political Rhetoric using lots of words that say & mean very - TopicsExpress


Political Rhetoric using lots of words that say & mean very little... God Help Us if John Kerry is the best we have to help Israel & Palestine reach any meaningful Peace Agreement... Numbness to this whole conflict is setting in the longer it is allowed to go and my awakening came after spending hours with an IDF Soldier on Facebook and we started off so combative and that is all I want to share about that but as we shared information back and forth from real people talking back and forth telling real life stories not tainted News Accounts with an agenda we came to a simple conclusion that it not the Jews hating Palestinians or vice versa but the governing bodies that mask their hidden agendas fueled by the Money or yes the Money... US Gives Billions to both sides with little to no accountability as to where the money goes? Somehow the people need a chance to speak to each and have their say respected because their individual heads of state have become too corrupted and no longer represent the peoples will to Live in Peace... World Court & UN Peacekeepers can they be called in to this War and say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH #1 USA Stop Funding Decades of War Between Israel & Palestine... #2 War Criminals both sides be Judged... #3 Cut below where the Money flows from War and find out what the people want and what I & my IDF Soldier Friend hope for is a lasting Peace...
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:33:34 +0000

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