Political Situation in Cambodia: Since October 1, 2014, Khmer - TopicsExpress


Political Situation in Cambodia: Since October 1, 2014, Khmer Krom community and student associations for democracy have demonstrated demanding public apology from Hanoi that has asserted Cochinchina was belonging to Vietnam for long time and France hasn’t ceded Cochin china to Vietnam on June 04, 1949. In the demonstration for several days (from October 04 to October 08, 2014), student and monk protesters have burned Viet flags. In case of negative response from Hanoi, Thach Setha has urged khmer nation to boycott products, goods and Viet services like mobile phone of 097 of Viet company Metfone belonging to military Viet businessman. Victims of abusive land expropriation have demonstrated in Phnom Penh celebrating international day of housing. National and international press has reported the legal action filed by Global Diligence, against current khmer ruling elites before ICC in The Hague in charge of crime against humanity for forced displacements and abusive land expropriations. Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, can change nothing in the 5th thief current legislature of this puppet kingdom. Young khmer migrants in South Korea have qualified Kem Sokha less useful than cow dung. Khmer Lotus Revolution has openly considered current khmer leaders as responsible of high treason by the lack of fulfillment of the duty to liberate the motherland and its nation from Vietnamese colonization. Indeed, after the negotiation of the CNRP for its entry into National Assembly by demanding a trompe l’œil restructuration of NEC to preserve political interests in the future, and after its swearing in before King Sihamoni, Hanoi has already advanced its pawns to consolidate its seizure over Cambodia. For example: Interior Ministry has advertised all out calling illegal Viet settlers to subscribe for census and payment of 25 000 riels (for about more than 6$US) to have right to live in quite legality in Cambodia. It’s Time for Khmer Nation to Take their Destiny in their Hands, Rise Up, Sacrifice, Chase Vietnamese Colonization from Cambodia and Overthrow Dictator Hun Sen: for Independence, Liberty and Democracy! They have to Struggle until final Victory with all Means by Tsunami Demonstrations and Strikes…: That is their Rights! They won’t achieve these Goals by Keeping 2nd Monarchy and Thief Hun Sen CPP’s Regime in Place: Because They Help Vietnam Colonize Cambodia, since more than 23 Years (for 2nd Monarchy) and more than 35 years (for CPP)! Khmer Nation has to Rebel for Independence by all Means, by Tsunami Demo and Strikes… Like Burkinabe army and People. Humanity have always Conquered their Rights by Fierce Fights. Khmer Nation Should Take Examples from Those People. The End justifies all means. Seeing that Key Khmer Problems Remain without Response: 1/ Vietnamese Colonization of Cambodia 2/ Hun Sen CPP’s Dictatorship 3/ Democracy Cambodians must to Open their eyes over Problems such as khmer Leaders’ Treason, country’s Independence, its Territorial Integrity, Land Concessions, Environmental Pollution, Vietnamizatiion of Khmer Administration, Vietnamese Settlers. They are Sources of Innumerable Problems such as the Lack and the Loss of Employment, Anarchy and Social Insecurity, Economic Development Producing Social Inequalities, Corruption, Public Health, Youth Jobless, Rigged Elections due to Presence of Vietnamese Holders of Electoral Cards, Racial and Cultural Row etc… This Kingdom will die under Vietnamese Annexation and Hun Sen’s Dictatorship. Hun Sen Dares not throw Millions of Illegal Viet Settlers out of Cambodia alike Gen. Prayuth Chan O-Cha against Illegal Khmer Migrants! To achieve this Goal, Cambodians have first to Topple Hun Sen. CNRP has attended thief Parliament by Treason against Electors. Khmer Traitor Var Kim Hong along with Khmer Viet Frontier Joint Committee had secretly built frontier Posts in many provinces including Svay Rieng. Without Presence of Journalists or Lawmakers. His Committee has obeyed to Vietnamese and Khmer Leader Puppets of Hanoi. It was Working to legitimate the new Khmer Viet Borders Line.. Have Vietnamese been friends of Khmer people for hundreds of thousands of years or are they Khmer People’s ancestral enemies? Since more than 63 years, Hanoi was so determined to build Indochina under its domination setting Cambodia and Laos under Vietnamese political and military domination. At the beginning of this 21st century, Vietnam still continues to trample Khmer and international laws to deceive Cambodia and its people. CPP’s Hun Sen, Chea Sim et Heng Sam Rin were betraying their fatherland by permitting new line of borders inside Cambodia’s land and authorizing illegal Vietnamese migrants to settle in Cambodia following imperialist will of Ho Chi Minh over Indochina. Spokesperson Truong Van Thong of Viet Embassy in Phnom Penh, said Kampuchea Krom or Cochin china had have not belonged to Cambodia and France have not ceded it to Vietnam on June 04, 1949. He didn’t present any public apology to Khmer People. On August 12, 2014, angry and Exasperated Demonstrators have Burned Viet Flag in front of Viet Embassy in Phnom Penh. Khmer Lotus Revolution has expressed its entire support to Demonstrators from the beginning of their Actions and continues to back them up in their Rights to Truth and freedom of demonstration, forcing departure of Viet invaders to quit Cambodia and then stop all interference in internal khmer affairs in virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, which Vietnam was the signatory one guaranteeing Independence, Integrity of Cambodia and Democracy. Heng Samrin has been called in to Hanoi by Viet leaders from August 18 to 20, 2014 to discuss with Nguyen Tan Dung, prime minister, Tran Tan Sang, Head of State and Nguyen Phu Trong, first secretary of Communist Party. Indeed, since Sam Rainsy Kem Sokha Party has been trapped by CPP to Attend Khmer National Assembly, Hanoi has worked to immediately swallow Cambodia in Indochina dominated by Vietnam by passing new bilateral Laws and treaties. Hanoi has ordered Heng Samrin to care for Vietnamese population so that they can live safely in Cambodia. Hanoi has imposed him to do the best to consolidate the bilateral relationship. Hanoi has enjoined Heng Samrin to take legal measures to punish a small group of khmer extremist and prevent them from resuming new illegal actions against Vietnam. Hanoi has ordered Samrin not to tolerate new protests and avoid harming good relations between two countries. Heng Samrin said protests came from a small group of Khmer extremist. Chheang Vun , chief parrot of foreign commission of National Assembly told audience that Vietnam don’t make any apology in place of an individual Truong Van Thong acting personally. Chheang Vun is a khmer traitor acting for the interest of Hanoi. This justifies the treason of Khmer puppets of Hanoi for the colonization of Cambodia. Khmer Nation Have to urgently rise up to liberate the Motherland! Current Khmer Political Situation is Comparable to Human excrements embroiled in a basket shaken in the water. After negotiations on July 22, 2014 between CNRP and CPP to bring an end to current political deadlock , Khmer Nation over the world have qualified Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha as New Traitors. In short, more than 35 years after Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, and more than 23 years after Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, Hanoi has achieved all its main ambitions, due to bilateral treaties of 1979, 1982, 1983, 1985 and the additive treaty of 2005, by the coup of July 5-6, 1997, the replacement of 2/3 vote system by the 50%+1, and due to rigged elections of 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013, and particularly, by the existence of Khmer traitor politicians. Under Lon Nol’s era, there were just some thousands of Vietnamese in Cambodia. Since the end of 1978, and after 5 straight mandates of Hun Sen’s rule, the figures shoot off and top several millions. Sam Rainsy, the new traitor, has recently declared his consent to give khmer citizenship to 250 thousands Vietnamese illegal settlers. How many millions of illegal Viets will receive citizenship from the two traitors Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy, in the future? To have right to live legally in Cambodia, Vietnamese have to pay just 25000 riels, about 6US$ ! Khmer Regime and the two political Parties have no Vision of Country’s Liberation. Indeed : 1/ Since already more than 35 years, CPP’s Hun Sen has consolidated Vietnamese colonization in Cambodia. 2/ Since already more than 22 years, CNRP’s Sam Rainsy has protected the 2nd Monarchy Puppet of Hanoi. Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991 in effect since 22 years stipulates that Cambodia has to be independent and democratic. When will Khmer People overthrow Dictator Hun Sen for Independence and Democracy? Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen, in this 2nd Monarchy, wouldn’t and couldn’t liberate Cambodia and its People for Independence and Democracy. CNRP has already become the Party of Treason along with Hun Sen CPP. Cambodia remains a State of non-Law, Unconstitutional and a Thief State where Courts are ruled by CPP. Under the nose of international community, Vietnam has been Annexing Cambodia since more than 35 Years: by the Overflow of Vietnamese Settlers in this Neighboring Country and by Annexation of Khmer Island Koh Tral (or Phu Quoc )…, Maritime Waters and Frontier Lands… by Contravening Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991. To Heal these three Khmer Cancers (Vietnamese Colonization, Hun Sen CPP Dictatorship and the Lack of the Democracy), Khmer People Must Wage Revolution in the frame of Transitional National Council (TNC) so that Hun Sen Staggers and Drops. Will Khmer People Have to Use Arms? Yes, There will Be non-violent Tsunami by Original Conception, but by Experience and Precaution, they can Use Arms for Self Defense such as knifes, axes, Sticks, hoes, banners, Threads, Pens, Pencils, Rice, Foods, Fishes, Meats, Prahok and Medicine to Resist long time till Victory ! Liberation of Motherland should not be considered as terrorism! Khmer People’s will is the Step-down of Hun Sen and the End of Vietnamese Colonization in Cambodia! CNRP was caught in the Trap put by Vietnamese, Chinese and Khmer Rouge Communists. By Tricks of CPP, alas, new Legislative Elections will be Held by Hun Sen CPP only by the End of 2018, allowing Thief Hun Sen to Continue his new 5th Mandate as if nothing had happened. Khmer People do have to boycott and not to Trust CPP Puppet of Hanoi who did never Respect their Promises since already 35 years. CNRP has been Committing Treason against Khmer People Will ! 44 years later, the Message of Marshal Lon Nol and Sirik Matak Remains True and Pathetic so that Khmer people should Stand up again and Put Hanoi out of Cambodia. Khmer Nation Must wage Khmer Lotus Revolution until Final Victory! Like Burkinabe Army and People. Seeing that Cambodia Currently has Thief National Assembly, Thief Government and Thief Prime Minister, the Transitional National Council (TNC) is Legitimate and Necessary to Manage Revolution. If Khmer Nation (in the Country and Overseas) Wage Khmer Lotus Revolution, They Will Win! In Virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, only by Lotus Revolution that Khmer Could: 1/ Liberate Cambodia from Vietnamese Colonization 2/ Overthrow Dictatorial Hun Sen Regime 3/ Install Independent Institutions for Democracy ! There will be New Elections only after Lotus Revolution’s Victory, after Adopting new Regime, Installing Independent Institutions for Free Elections: Under the Rule of Transitional National Council (TNC)! Khmer People will get what they have asked after Khmer Lotus Revolution’s Victory in the period of two or three years. Cambodia and its People will Win : their Demands (Independence, Liberty and Democracy…) are Legitimate…Only Tsunami Demo, Non-Cooperation, Strikes and Generalized and Permanent Civil Disobedience could Save Cambodia! Cambodian People and Youth! Wake Up! And Wage Khmer Lotus Revolution! In the Frame of Transitional National Council (TNC), not under the will of any Political Party. By Exerting National and International Pressures, By Blocking the Functioning of Thief National Assembly and Thief Government ….They should continuously and endlessly wage war liberation by all means from October 23, 2014 until Final Victory! Like Burkinabe Army and People! All Together, We Will Win! Best regards Thanks KLR Team/khmerlotusrevolution,com
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 04:41:34 +0000

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