Political coincidences happen but seldom. Definitive and real in - TopicsExpress


Political coincidences happen but seldom. Definitive and real in all respect, are actions and conscious decision making. Throughout Sierra Leone’s post independence history, the Country’s constitution had always ever been changed by the APC party. In 1971 under the Leadership of Prime Minister, Siaka Probyn Stevens, the parliamentary majority rule type government was changed to that of a republican constitution, creating provisions for an elected Head of State and President as opposed to a Prime Minister with a ceremonial Head of State Governor-General in place. In 1978, again under the same APC and country Leadership of Siaka Stevens, now President, Sierra Leone had another change of constitution one which paved the way for a one party State as with the enshrined provisions for a life President thereby outlawing any other opponent political party including that of SLPP. It lasted until 1991, two years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with it, the end of the cold war when all except for few oversights such as for example, the authoritarian prone Arab North Africa, the West decided to pursue its hardcore policy of Third World democratisation, those that fail, facing ultimate sanctions including that of aid withdrawal, that Siaka Stevens’ then successor, President Joseph saidu Momoh was forced to bow to international pressure and so therefore commissioned a constitution review committee. As expected, the committee’s findings went on to recommend a return to a multi-party State one which was approved by the President without delay. Here we are again, an APC administration under its current Leadership of President Ernest Bai Koroma who had commissioned a body to look into and come up with recommendations for a change of constitution. ‘Freedom is not complete without the freedom to make mistakes’, as the legendry Indian nationalist, Mahatma Ghandi once noted. A constitution is a sacred document written to last longer if not forever. Let us hope we finally get it right this time, answering all the critical questions perhaps previous constitutions were not totally able to. I believe a frequent change of constitution diverts valuable attention and effort of a country that should be much more preoccupied with progress and development. I may return back to the topic later.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 23:01:43 +0000

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