Political hiatus be damned - Our State AG, Scotty Id have hair if - TopicsExpress


Political hiatus be damned - Our State AG, Scotty Id have hair if I wasnt bald Pruitt, is suing Colorado for legalized weed while the oil companies are destroying our homes and our water supply. Come ON....WTF? OK, Facebookies, what Ive been doing for the last year and a half is writing letters to Mr. Obama hisself, urging him to send in the DoJ / FBI sharks to investigate the doins over there at the Kapitol. I have been suggesting to BO that perhaps, with his presidency winding down, and with the Teabagger Congress more or less preventing him from accomplishing any real government business, perhaps he could take few good hard shots at some other big fat slow easy GOP targets..... In other words, Gubner Mary. Heh heh... Payback. Could we blame him? The immigration deal, and the Cuba deal fall into the general Face Slap category. Dont kid yourself. Saw it coming. Dems were waiting to see if there is a prayer of a chance that the GOP could field a viable prez candidate in 16. You know, someone who could debate Liz Warren without looking and sounding like a cross betwee Jim Baker and Don Knotts, Guess they decided its not gonna happen, so its time to let the dawgs out. I would dearly love to see the federal government take apart a corrupt Red State machine, one criminal at a time. It is entirely possible. Hey, it doesnt even have to be Oklahoma, although that would be a shitload of fun. My list? In order - Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, Missouri, Arizona, Kansas. Pruitt is gonna piss away MILLIONS of OUR tax dollars on this, and LOSE miserably. If I had to follow the money, I would say that the trail would lead back to the liquor industry, private prison corporations, and Big Pharma..... And maybe, just maybe - this will be all the push the Gubmint needs to decriminalize at the federal level. These are interesting times, my friends.... We better pay attention, or people like Scott Pruitt will OWN our sorry asses, lock, stock and tea kettle.....
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:50:44 +0000

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