Political science as a separate field is a relatively late arrival - TopicsExpress


Political science as a separate field is a relatively late arrival in terms of social sciences. However, the term"political science" was not always distinguished from political philosophy, and the modern discipline has a clearset of antecedents including also moral philosophy, political economy, political theology, history, and other fields concerned with normative determinations of what ought to be and with deducing the characteristics and functions of the ideal state. The antecedents of Western politics can be traced back to the Socratic political philosophers, Plato (427–347BC), Xenophon (c. 430–354 BC), and Aristotle ("The Father of Political Science") (384–322 BC). These authors, in such works as The Republic and Laws by Plato, and The Politics and Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle, analyzed political systems philosophically, going beyond earlier Greek poetic and historical reflections which can be found in the works of epic poets like Homer and Hesiod,historians like Herodotus andThucydides, and dramatists such as Sophocles, Aristophanes, and Euripides
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 20:59:15 +0000

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