Politically speaking, many of us are not disengaged or clueless, - TopicsExpress


Politically speaking, many of us are not disengaged or clueless, we are realists. We understand that both major parties are bought and paid for by special interest. We know both parties serve the wealthy and the corporations. We understand both sides make promises they know the other side will not vote for, and we know that it makes little difference to the average person, the working people, who is in the White House. We vote Democrat or Republican for a variety of reasons, most of which have to do with which side plays our emotions the best. We are still Americans, but the problem is the word no longer means what it once did. We grew up waving the flag and singing the anthem, and then Vietnam taught us a lesson that perhaps the old habits had been replaced with something we didnt really recognize. The flag and the anthem gave way to greed and profit. We waved the flag, but only when we were trying to get the governments attention, and we soon learned that didnt work unless the stars were replaced with dollar signs, and the stripes stood for an outstanding bottom line. We allowed our elected leaders to lead us anywhere they wished, simply by distracting us from where they truly intended to go. We continue to allow this, because we are now a dumbed down, drugged up, poor people who will never have any say so in how this country is run again. I think we need to wake up before we are euthanized, but Im afraid weve let it go on far too long for us to have a chance to turn the tide. The people have no power, not in the market place, not in the voting booth, and so long as remain a nation divided, as our leaders intend us to remain, we will never again have the tiniest bit of muscle to flex.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:54:49 +0000

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