Politicians should have to compete in the marketplace of ideas. - TopicsExpress


Politicians should have to compete in the marketplace of ideas. No matter if you support Jason Carter or Nathan Deal, Michelle Nunn or David Perdue; do you really want these elections dragging into next year in runoffs? Do you really want to be watching attack ads on TV at Christmas time? Do you want to waste tax dollars holding two separate runoff elections when we have the technology to identify a candidate with majority support on November 4th? Technology should be used to make society more efficient and productive--it should be used to save us time, money, and headaches. There is no reason why Government cant benefit from the same productivity gains seen in the private sector. The political gridlock at the State and National levels, the dependency on wealthy donors and pay-to-play politics, which both Parties cater to, is a conscious political strategy of many in power and it needs to be reformed. Henry County needlessly spent nearly $50,000 to hold primary runoff elections earlier this summer, which hardly any voters turned out for. We will likely again expend tax dollars for runoff elections for Governor and US Senate because of the number of candidates on the ballot and the need to identify who has majority support. A vote for Jim Nichols is a vote in support of smart election reforms that change the structure of how we select our elected officials so that the citizens and not the Political Parties or wealthy political donors have the last say. Who has the most voters rather than who has the wealthiest donors and most friends within corrupt political circles in Atlanta and DC should decide the election outcome. The question shouldnt be who can afford to stay up on TV the most until January. Politicians should have to compete in the marketplace of ideas, not the Pay-to-Play corruption of having the most wealthy donors--donors who will only expect returns on their investment after the voters have gone back to their busy day to day lives. Please vote this election year. But as you work your way down the ballot think carefully about which candidate for State House district 111 wants to empower your voice--the voice of everyday citizens--rather than continue the erosion and decay of our political process. The purpose of Government is to protect and empower its citizens and then get out of the way to allow them to live their lives. Until we reform the way we choose who wins on election day we will continue to get the same low quality outcomes that turns more and more people away from the political process every single day. A vote for Jim Nichols is a vote for someone who understands this and will work as hard as he can for the smart reforms we need to fix the political gridlock and empower voters not Political Parties or wealthy donors.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:33:22 +0000

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