Politicians use holiday document dumps to get embarrassing - TopicsExpress


Politicians use holiday document dumps to get embarrassing information out of the way. So no surprise that administration of Governor John Kitzhaber chose the Christmas and New Year’s holidays to release information about his girlfriend’s illegal misuse of public resources. Emails released the day before New Year’s Eve show new details of Cylvia Hayes use of Oregon government staffers to empty her cat’s litter box and book hotel rooms and airline flights. Hayes used her private company, based inside the Governor’s office, to earn tens of thousands of dollars in consulting fees. Hayes has asked the governor’s staffers to call the airlines and delay a connecting flight and when that didn’t happen, used the governor’s to complain to the airline and demand a hotel room for Hayes. These are the same kind of illegal activities that have the former governor of Virginia and his wife headed to prison for years. The Eugene Register Guard newspaper has called for a special prosecutor to look into Kitzhaber and Hayes. In the meantime, Kitzhaber is out of big holidays to use for new document dumps.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:35:17 +0000

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