Polycystic ovarian & Kaya kalpa yoga: Polycystic ovarian is a - TopicsExpress


Polycystic ovarian & Kaya kalpa yoga: Polycystic ovarian is a common endocrine disorder affecting nearly 15% of women of reproductive age group. It is often and incidental finding in most cases, with lack of periods, infertility, unwanted facial growth and loss of hair giving signal to many patients for a check up. The principal function of ovary is production of an egg each month for ovulation and production of all hormones necessary for reproduction. The ovary fails to expel the matured eggs in PCOS and a small amount of fluid begins to accumulate inside the immature follicles to form multiple cysts. The cysts once again cause hormonal imbalance. (Anuradha et al). * New studies have well documented that insulin resistance is an underlying cause of PCOS. There are several mechanisms for the state of insulin resistance leading to hyperinsulinemia. * * Objective The aim of the present study is to evaluate the benefits of Kayakalpa yoga in PCOS patients: * Pituitary glands control the Endocrine metabolism of our body. When the other endocrine glands get aggregated, pituitary gland regulates then, by secreting an Anti-hormone. By giving treatment of pituitary gland synchronization of pituitary – ovarian axis is brought out. Thus PCOS could be cured. The Kayakalpa yoga is an intrinsic exercise, done to regulate the endocrine metabolism of our body. Since, PCOS is one of the endocrinal disorder, this yogasana is applicable to patients suffering from PCOS. * Obesity is one of the causative factors for PCOS patients. Due to this Yogasana our body will be reduced. So in the study, a new approach is analysed to control the obesity factor in PCOS patients. Kayakalpa yoga is a rejuvenating technique, which maintains the potency of our body and extends the lifespan. It comprises of two parts : * Toning up of nerves There is a co-ordination between brain, functions of central nervous system and autonomous nervous system, knowing as “toning”. Disturbances cause non-coordination known as “distonia”. In PCOS patients, there is a distonia in pituitary-ovarian axis. Strengthening the coordination and getting rid of sagging is called toning up of nerves. Every cell is made up of infinestimal, and tiny particles, each of which keeps rotating it. Due to this self-rotation, a centrifugal force is generated, which is called “Life-force”. On account of this a spreading wave is given rise to and it spreads throughout the body, known a Bio-magnetism. To maintain better polarity amidst the cells we should bring the “Life-force” collected in the Genetic center to the head. There are two important links considered in the study : Hypothalamic – Pituitary link Pituitary – Ovary link. The series of changes that occur originate primarily from Bio-chemcial impulses sent out by a portion of the brain called Hypothalamus. This activates the endocrine gland called Pituitary gland and this stimulates or inhibits as may be necessary, the hormones of the ovary, In PCOS patients, there is an increase in Luteninzing hormone and a decrease in Follicular Stimulating hormone. Since the follicle is not stimulated appropriately it may lead to infertility. The “Recycling of Seminal Back Mechanism” (Kayakalpa Yoga) is similar to the Feed Back mechanism of the Pituitary glands, in synchronizing the hormonal balance. Thus doing this yogasana regulates Luteininzing hormone and Follicular Stimulating hormone. (Rathan Janartham, 1998) . * Hormones enact as transformers in regulating the levels of energy producing substances (c AMP, Glucose, Calcium, Sodium) in our body. (Perumal, 1998) By doing Kayakalpa Yoga the energy from Life force is channeled up, it triggers the functions of all endocrine glands and nerve plexus, which are helpful in secreting the hormones. (Jaya Lal Mohan) Thus Kayakalpa Yogasana is helpful in curing PCOS patients. * Selection Criteria Ten women, who satisfied the criteria for PCOS by ultrasonography were selected for this study. The criteria were Clinical features such as menstrual abnormalities, hirsuitism, infertility, obesity. *Pelvic ultrasonography showing the presence of eight or more peripheral cysts of at least l Omm diameter, with increased stromal echo in one or both ovaries.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 22:48:38 +0000

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