Polygamy, Guns, and Zombies Edith locked the door and - TopicsExpress


Polygamy, Guns, and Zombies Edith locked the door and began moving the furniture in front of it to really block the entrance. This had better keep them out she thought as she put the last chair in front of the now, blocked door. She started gathering the boards she had bought at the hardware store and walked towards the windows. As she started nailing them up, she could only feel anger! The anger that grew in her when everyone started judging her because of how she chose to live. Why is it okay for men to do it but not women, she thought as she drove the nails through the wood! Its so unfair, Edith thought as she put the hammer down and headed to the gun rack. She pulled the key from her pocket and unlocked the cabinet. She grabbed her favorite rifle and .45, along with the ammo, and started loading. She started to regret telling Mildred Butterbum her secret but then again, the town was bound to find out. If I had only moved to Wyoming instead of Utah. It would have been easier to conceal, she thought as she put the last bullet into the clip of her .45! Edith began wondering what the big deal was. Since her birth, she had been raised and taught in the way of the Mormons. She learned, and lived, the teachings of Joseph Smith and lived by those teachings. Magic underwear, refusing caffeine, the Osmond’s, all of it. She just had one thing she did not think was fair and when she voiced it at the church, they tried to correct her. Edith resented the church for doing that; so, she decided to take a stand. Now, here she is, defending her stand with guns! For many years, Edith and her ideal family lived in peace in Salt Lake City. Keeping their personal life a secret when in public was a heavy burden but once they were in the privacy of their home, well, Joseph Smith couldnt describe the sheer joy of being together. If only the church had a more open mind towards equality, we would have never had to live with keeping our secret, Edith thought as she looked at the pictures of her six husbands adorning the walls, and if that chemical spill hadnt happen, either! As Edith loaded her guns to be prepared for the onslaught from her so called neighbors, she began remembering the chemical spill that started the chain of events that led to this night. Damn those government experiments, she thought in anger, If they would just stop thinking they could discover the power of resurrection! She looked again at the pictures of her six husbands and then focused on Edwins picture. If only you had not volunteered for the spill cleanup crew, she said to herself with tears in her eyes! Edith could hear the gathering of people outside her house, their mob growl growing in strength to the point the walls started to shake. she filled her shoulder bag with ammo and grabbed her shotgun with one hand, and her .45 with the other. She turned to go up the stairs to confront the angry crowd of neighbors, hell bent on her destruction, but suddenly turned towards the steel door that led to her bomb shelter. I better check to see if Charles has Edwin under control first, she thought. As Edith turned towards the bomb shelter door, a large thud had filled the basement. Dear God! They must be trying to break through the barricade! Edith rushed up the stairs and sure enough, the mob was using a tree trunk like a battering ram on the front door! Well get in there, you heathen! And well take care of your problem with your husbands, shouted the town mayor, Angus OReilly. How dare he, thought Edith, I was the first one to accept him as an Irish Mormon! Suddenly, she began hearing a loud, banging sound from the basement. Oh my God, I forgot about Charles and Edwin! Edith rushed to the basement towards the steel door of the bomb shelter. She could still hear the banging as she reached for the door handle. Charles? Whats going on? She turned the latch, knowing she had to be cautious because of Edwins condition. Charles, she called out again, Are you okay? When she didnt get a response, the fear grew! Please, she thought, Not again! As Edith slowly opened the steel door, she could start hearing a low moan that had become all to familiar. Please let it not happen again! Not while the whole town is outside trying to break in, she thought with her pulse racing. Suddenly, she saw Charles laying on the floor and Edwin next to him! No Edwin! Not again! Even though Charles was still breathing and twitching, Edith knew it was too late! Edwin, stop, she shouted, Dont you realize the whole town is ready to storm this house because of you? Edwin turned towards Edith, his extremely, pale face looking at her with two of Charles fingers hanging out of his mouth! Edith could do nothing but feel the love she had for all her husbands. Especially Edwin! As the shouts grew louder from the angry crowd, Edith knew that the barricade must be weakening. She knew she didnt have much more time to escape and may have to resort to violence against those she had gotten to know so well! She was so stressed and confused with everything going on around here. And now that Edwin had tried to eat Charles and left him twitching and bloody, it made it impossible for her to defend her life! Sweet Joseph Smith, Edwin! Stop nibbling on Charles arm, Edith screamed! Edwins pale, blood stained face looked up at Edith with a sad look. He still held Charles arm to his mouth but had stopped nibbling as she had instructed. Somehow, through his rotting, zombie infected mind, there was still some memories and personality. He continued to stare at Edith as he lowered Charles arm away from his mouth. Charles had passed out but it was hard to tell. Edwin had already consumed his eyes and there was nothing but two gaping holes left. Edith looked at Edwin, and then looked at Charles for some sign of life. His chest was not rising and he quit twitching. She gazed back at Edwin with a look of disappointment as she started to move towards him slowly. She sensed that there was still some of Edwin left to reason with and that maybe she could stop him from fulfilling his hunger. Out of all her husbands, Edwin was the most reasonable one. He always approached problems logically and calm. As she moved closer, she hoped more and more that Edwin was still in the decaying body that was before her. All of the sudden, the barricade gave way at the front door with a loud crash! Startled, Edwin jumped to his feet and grabbed Edith. He pulled her close as if he was about to feast on her to save her from the mob violence that was about to take place. The shouts of the crowd was getting louder, only being drowned out by the smashing of all of the contents of the house as they proceeded forward. Through the zombie, infected mind of Edwin, some instincts began breaking through! Edwin pulled Edith towards the coal furnace. He pushed her to the ground next to it and pulled open the grated door. Unable to speak and filled with panic, Edwin grabbed Edith by the arm and yanked her to her feet. He reached down by her belt and pulled out the .45, fully loaded, and pointed it directly between Ediths eyes. Urgh, Edwin grunted at her! He then grabbed her arm again and started pushing her into the unlit furnace. Edith suddenly understood what Edwin was doing. She reached up and stroked Edwins rotting cheek, gazing into his blood shot eyes. Dear Edwin! I knew there was still some part of you left! Uuumm, Edwin moaned at Edith. All of the sudden, out of the corner of his eye, a tear began to roll out and down his cheek. It was obvious that Edwin knew that he had caused Edith too much pain and that now it was time to make things right. He stroked Ediths hair one last time and then started pushing her into the furnace. As Edith climbed into the furnace, she could hear the crowd breaking through the steel door of the basement. Just before she closed the grated door, she could see Angus OReilly, followed by Mildred Butterbum and quite a few of the Osmond’s coming down the stairs. She slammed the grate close and could only hear the crowd. Edwin stood in front of the furnace defiantly as the crowd, disgusted with the site of the half eaten corpse of Charles, approached him. Just they got as close as he wanted them, he aimed the .45 right at them. There was no way they were going to get Edith! In the name of Brigham Young, move out of the way you ungodly beast, Angus shouted! Edwin pulled back on the .45 and pointed it right at Anguss head! AARRGHHH, Edwin wildly yelled at the crowd as if to warn them that he was not going to let anything happen to Edith! Okay you vermin from hell! We are going to send you and your satanic loved ones back to the fiery pit, Angus shouted! Donny, Marlon, and Jimmy! Shoot this abomination this instant! As the three Osmond brothers cocked their guns, Edwin moved his arm suddenly with the .45 tight in his grip, away from Angus and towards a couple of 50 gallon barrels in the corner of the basement. Each one had a government warning label to each one. He aimed quickly towards the middle barrel. Noooooo, Edwin shouted as he pulled the trigger! The entire home, all at once, exploded into a ball of green flame, killing the mob and Edwin instantly. The shock wave leveled the entire, downtown area of Salt Lake City within seconds, destroying everything, including the Mormon Temple. No one within the radius of the explosion had a chance to do anything. The blast was so enormous; the ground shook all the way to Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona. It took weeks for the green cloud to clear the area, and months to evaluate and clear out the rubble. The government denied that it was a chemical of their making that caused the explosion. They pointed towards the unsafe practices of the Mormon Underwear factory as causing the explosion but no one was buying it. Yet, no one was demanding any investigation. Apparently, there were hardly any members of the Mormon church left to even demand an investigation. One day, during the cleanup, a couple of workers made it to the center of the blast zone. Really, there was not much left of anything. As they dig through the dust, they suddenly hit a metallic object. As they cleared the dirt and dust away, they attached a chain to the large piece of metal and had a truck pull it out in the open. What the hell is this, asked one of the workers. Another worker walked around it, clearing some of the dust off of it. It appears to be some old coal furnace. The workers took a pry bar off of the truck and jammed it into the face of the grate. They pulled on the bar as hard as they could, finally forcing the grate open. One worker produced a flash light and shined it into the belly of the furnace. Its empty, the worker said as he turned off the flashlight and turn to face the others. Guess we can haul this away to the scrap heap outside of town. Two years later, a church service is being held in Boston. As the members of the congregation sit down after singing a hymn, the priest approaches his podium. May God be with you all, the priest says to the gathered members. And also with you, they respond. In the very back row a woman sits and quietly observes the service. With some scars on her face, she looks around at all the people as they reverently worship. No one notices her as she watches them all go through their ritual. A quiet thought goes through her mind as she recalls a former life she once lived and tried to gain acceptance by others for her beliefs. She recalls the actions of the people who proclaimed to love one another but yet, tried to condemn her for her love of six men and the defense of one of them. Catholics dont seem to be judgmental towards others, she thinks to herself. Maybe they will accept my beliefs and let me live in peace. She stands up to sing the next song with the congregation, clutching a burned photo of six men she once loved !
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:37:31 +0000

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