Ponder this post today. Please. For your well-being after CIDP. - TopicsExpress


Ponder this post today. Please. For your well-being after CIDP. Ive been analyzing all the variables to cidp and gbs. Remember now, I have been in a fortunate position of being a cidpr with rare remission (esp for my progressive type with no relapses) who has helped THOUSANDS of cidp and gbsrs. The lack of public responses does not reflect the true walk of cidprs as most have private messages that has continued steadily for 5 years. Majority of cidp and gbsrs are private. Take this in, not for me but to help all of you to the best of my ability. I am the sole person in the world that has the opportunity to have full access to consider what is hidden behind veils in cidp and gbs. And it just so happens I was gifted with analytical mind. I recently have been growing in layers of questioning, why some treatment works for some while it doesnt for others? I have found a theory about this but no one will be able to comprehend until we break things down. In this post I will not go into this theory. I will wait until the seed I wish to plant today begins to grow in cidp and gbsrs. So beyond this question I have found an even deeper question that actually solved the question above. My hope is that through my continued teachings about the hidden and most complicated layers existing behind cidp and gbs will increase others through knowledge to obtain greater probability of remission like myself and few others. The deeper layer Ive questioned and then concluded is, It is not exercise or diet that brings a cidpr into remission. This means what we put into our bodies doesnt have as much emphasis on remission from our illness as weve been led to think. This is not saying its not important to eat better and exercise more because it is a wonderful addition for every person, not just Cidp and Gbsrs. However, what Im speaking about is that its the level of priority to how we choose to focus our attention to heal that is being misdirected. I will give you an example: Myself. I have never been into exercise nor diet. When I was diagnosed w cidp, all I was told by everyone including doctors was EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE!!! AND - LOSE THE STEROID WEIGHT! Its causing most of your symptoms. But my body and mind said that doesnt make sense as Im too tired and I want remission. So my intuition spoke why would I go against my body and mind telling me to rest more, do less physically????. So I did what few do and actually listened to my body. Through the years of helping other cidp and gbsrs, I see a continued focus on diet and exercise. Now, improvements are always great in any way, but again placing diet and exercise as priority number one as too many cidprs are doing has caused and continues to cause living in Flares which prevent healing. The body and mind have a priority and pathway of priority existing in the subconscious that our conscious isnt often aware about. The conscious mind tells us exercise and diet is the pathway yet subconsciously, the mind and body ARE SCREAMING MORE REST AND KNOWLEDGE. Rest gives body break. This rest lessens stress. Knowledge also lessens stress. Combined increases body and mind to heal the body due to the significant decrease in stress that comes through rest and knowledge. More layers exist but these two are PRIMARY! Lets begin with the significance of knowledge: 1) obtaining knowledge intuitively through listening our bodies plays a greater role than seeking externally aka doctors and online information. As knowledge progresses, it slowly begins to eliminate negative intake and output weve been unconsciously aware weve been doing. Negative intake first begins mentally through our perception. Perception is formed through lack of knowledge and knowledge. Our perception lacking knowledge causes us to experience anxiety, depression, fear, doubt, guilt, hopelessness. This is negative intake. Negative intake continues from mental through emotional into the physical. This means that when we lack knowledge, we then experience an emotional response. If is this emotional response that then enters into the body causing stress. And it is stress that causes symptoms aka flares; flares keep body from healing. This is why Knowledge is so Powerful!! Awareness improves our perception. Our perception invokes an emotion and our emotion infects the body when negative intake, and when positive it is harmonious to our body and acts as a tool in the healing process, first by not adding unwanted stress to body but also by adding positive energy which is a surge so body can grow stronger to heal. Through my personal experience I have been bouncing much of my analysis against it to why I am in remission for 10yrs when others are not? Its plagued me for 12yrs and slowly over this time, little seeds have been planted. Now those seeds are coming into fruition. Now upon closer inspection, those who focus on diet and exercise are struggling immensely with flare symptoms including little to no reaction to treatments. And significant flares. Please note: Im not saying no one goes into remission through diet and exercise, but what I AM SAYING IS I see even if a person focuses on diet and exercise and remits, its due to other factors that are hidden. Im simply sharing what Ive witnessed is hidden with my hope people will consider and hen evaluate for themselves. Now for the importance of rest: The primary priority of healing begins in obtaining knowledge. Knowledge proves as I say: REST IS BEST. Therefore, we do not implement rest until we have the knowledge of its crucial role in healing. Without either of these two, healing never is obtained or sustained. My Friends, the more one rests, the less symptoms experienced therefore the more the healing is witnessed! The final other hidden priority for healing is through the process of our emotions and mental state. For more info about the process, please tune in sometime to my video as Ive assisted some cidprs in walking them through this process of grieving their losses and witnessing their cidp move closer to remission, some into remission. youtu.be/xotabFLTjjM youtu.be/ESJAeBnV5EE Love to all, B
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:20:41 +0000

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