Poor English Translation: THE PRICE OF FREEDOM Atjeh - TopicsExpress


Poor English Translation: THE PRICE OF FREEDOM Atjeh MUHAMMAD HASAN Tengku di Tiro [ ] 27 October 2013 at 10:53 And they strive to seek the pleasure of Us , We will really show them my streets . [ QS . Al Ankabut : 69 ] We made the abode of the hereafter , for those who are not proud and do mischief on earth. The successful outcome is for those who fear Him. [ QS . Al Qasas : 83 ] How many people are a little beat many people with Gods permission. And Allah is with the steadfast servants . [ QS . Al Baqarah : 249 ] Do not ever shut up, let alone despair abomination corrupt regime oppress us Javanese colonialists . Fight! And remain steadfast striving in His way , with all the potential robustness of the faith , the knowledge that God has given us . [ ] Those who were killed due to defend his faith , his family , then its Martyrs . [ ] The Rope Of God They Martyrs For Aceh Nations Buy Boots & PA limits DPRA forgetten ! Very cunning conspiracy , systemic currently underway Javanese colonialist rulers who diotaki by mendagri Gamawan fozy to divert glorious history of struggle for independence Aceh by Tengku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro , the puppet ruler persons jakarta , malek praised , with whom he is very black softly lit in the citys nightlife episentrum all sins , singapore . The Legend Of Atjeh , Tengku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro . Born: 25 September 1925 , at Gampong Tanjoung Bungoung , West Aceh , he was the second son of the father Teungku Muhammad Hasan & tongue Pocut Fatima. education : Madrasah Blang Paseh [ under TGK care . David Beureueh ] Bireun Normal School ; Faculty of Law UII Yogyakarta ; 1949-1951 , ( acquired Colombo Plan Scholarship ) . Doctor of Science degree earned International Law at Columbia University. [ 1954 ] ; Struggle history : Dedicated staff Syafruddin Prawiranegara Prime Minister [ 1949-1951 ] Indonesian Mission to the United Nations [ 1951-1954 ] ; Atjeh State Minister for Foreign Affairs / Head of the Permanent Representative of the UN Atjeh . [ 1954-1963 ] Back to the Land Atjeh , Date October 30, 1976 ; The country proclaimed independence and form a power struggle Atjeh Bansa Atjeh , GAM Date 4 December 1997. In the fight shot by team ABRI [ Suharto regime ] in the jungle Gunong Halimon Tiro Valley . Secured by the Commando Elite TNA leave Real Atjeh through the sea lane . By People Atjeh that it is love, he returned to Atjeh , 11 September 2008 , leaving all facilities as Distinguished Citizen Swiss , U.S. and EU over 4 million lives sacrificed to the People Atjeh. [ according to him also in nominator imformasi Nobel Peace Prize , but persistent efforts jakarta , asking to be revoked on the ground do not mutilate Indonesian relations with its allies over the years. Superintendent indonesia never want to acknowledge the struggle Bansa Atjeh never able ditaklukkkan dutch colonial . ] Tengku Hasan di Tiro SANG LEADERS [ ] Atjeh fighter who does not know surrender , capable diplomacy is also capable of heroic battle in the Land Wilderness Atjeh , Higher Leaders Movement Atjeh Meurdeka conducting its obligations as a Muslim , Thagut penuhan against corrupt regimes , regimes that very despicable slaughter of thousands of innocent Atjeh People , for 30 year approximately 15,000 lives People Atjeh , also Muslim children martyr ! bersimbah blood . For all but four Presidents failed to quell resistance Bansa Atjeh with full military strength . We want independence, not negotiate ! That speech Tiro Tengku Hasan at that time . But on 11 September 2008 in the morning , with the greatness of his soul back to the Land Clearing , Land Spilled blood , after 33 years of fighting in many European Countries for success Bansa Atjeh fight very brutal corrupt regime , under the command of general Suharto . The presence of Tengku Hasan di Tiro , the undisputed evidence , that the conciliation certainly . As expressed many friends, what has been decided that Tengku Hasan di Tiro takbisa negotiable , except by whose decision itself. Beyond that , the options are only two , a traitor or follow ! That personal grace Tengku Hasan di Tiro , cuco Fighter Bansa Atjeh , Teungku Shyik The Peoples Tiro highly admired in the war against colonial Atjeh Kafirin netherlands . Four generations of family Shyik In Tiro , almost all of them martyrs. Muslim women and children except infants. Native Tengku Hasan di Tiro , cuco Shyik In Tiro , one Muslim family at Tiro that God protect. Unlike the Javanese colonialist army action that kills not only the combatants Atjeh independence, but they also slaughter of hundreds of Muslim Aceh , even the kids who do not sin. God sees , history will reveal the brutality that was acted out in the Land Atjeh , although now all members of the DPR- RI ngakunya Bansa Atjeh , also DPRA and DPRK authorities to work with Jakarta , cover Bansa Atjeh massacre was very systematic . Yes , I remembered the poem sebait , ..... more cruel than dutch ..... Tengku Hasan di Tiro who was concentrating Knowledge International Law at the University of Colombia United States moved soul Noble Family heroism In Tiro , hear the reign PM Ali Sostroamidjojo the sekurelistik / Communist order the military strength to do mass destruction counties that do match those in power when the [ 1954 ] . Tengku Hasan di Tiro wrote historic letter to the Prime Minister s dictatorial : New York , 1 September 1954 Dear Mr . Ali Sostro in Jakarta With Respect ; To this day over a year old you are in control of the government and the Indonesian Archipelago . You shall not exploit the authority that has placed your hand to bring peace, order , prosperity , justice and unity among the people of Indonesia. On the contrary , now you are and continue dragging the Indonesian kelembah economic and political collapse , misery , discord among your tribes compete by relying on Java quarter as the purest race now heading for civil war ! The world has never been for the growing , never even though absences Dutch , Indonesian People do for each other accidentally kill your brother is very widespread among once as you are now commanded ground troops slaughter People In Atjeh , In Pasundan land , In the Land of Kalimantan , in land Sulawesi . And you say that you have committed all this in the name of national unity and patriotism ? . It does not seem there is a more accurate example of the saying that patriotism is the last refuge of a cunning villain , a coward . To this day nine years after the passage of thousands of martyrs pengurbanan independence from the Word of Allahu Akbar , most of the land still submerged indonesia blood and tears . It happens because you want to finish off anyone that you consider your political opposite idiologi ! People around you immediately stop indonesia require very shameful massacre of Representatives , the problem can be solved , but you deliberately make it difficult . Actually if you take the wisdom of this political dispute resolution by way necessarily , ie negotiation , then tomorrow will Securiy also cover the entire country. By Therefore , in the interests Nations and People of Indonesia , I recommend you take the following actions : Stop military aggression against the people Atjeh , Sunda / Banten , Sulawesi and Kalimantan Island . Release of political prisoners from all over Aceh From Land to Land Sulawesi . Undertake negotiations with Tengku Muhammad Daud Beureueh from land Atjeh , Abdul Kahar Muzzakar , Ibn Hajar and others. If until 20 September 1954, the organized - organized towards the cessation of bloodshed did not get your attention , I together with Indonesian Muslim youths will take action to stop your power very brutal , secular and do not heed the sense of humanity . We will obstruct the moral and material support for the Islamic Republic of Indonesia in its fight terrorist regime removed a very savage slaughter of its own people . [ ] Hasan Muhammad di Tiro . At the time of Muhammad Hasan Tiro leaders appear to be half done among authorities indonesia , its just a simple law student , berpenampilan quiet / calm and not much talking. The sharp nose , has a fascinating eye with a sharp gaze full of confidence , and athletic body , it is common for young men Atjeh till now . [ ] STRUGGLE IS DONE VERY HEAVY TGK . MUHAMMAD HASAN di Tiro . Ultimatum deadline given by TGK brave young man . In Muhammad Hasan Tiro to PM Sostrodjoyoboyo dogolo to menghentikanpembunuhan against people no later than 20 September 1954. Answered with a threat to Tengku Hasan di Tiro right back to Jakarta , at the same date . Youth Atjeh immediately reveals itself as a roving ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic State of Indonesia in the U.S. and the UN . And the United States Government provides civic facilities and Atjeh U.S. to the brave young man and a brilliant thought that. Since then Tengku Hasan di Tiro actively campaigned in International forums about humanity committed evil regime djowoboyo sostro cs People who put out the match with a string of justice deadly weapon . Tengku Hasan di Tiro earn the trust of the UN Forum Monas Atjeh NII and NII - Atjeh Permanent Representative to the United Nations . ( 1954-1963 ) . In 1957, Tengku Hasan di Tiro wrote a book , Democracy for Sukarno , in English and Malay . The book is peeling national concept and mengeritik Bung Karno understanding about race , democracy and Pancasila. In view Tiro Tengku Muhammad Haan , indonesia is the name that appears on Aban XIX . Previous remote kingdom in the archipelago were born - yan sovereign kingdom as the kingdom on Earth Iskandar Muda Atjeh. Namunhal is not recognized by Sukarno that he thought pattern is Javanese syncretism . So no matter if yangmengejutkan for power in Indonesia is dominated by those who thought syncretised Java , so its easy to do the slaughter of his own people , doing engineering , do systemic corruption , SDA sell cheap , sell cheap TKI , for encouraging an increase in foreign exchange , insult our dignity against negarasekelas singapore, malaysia and make themselves sycophant strength porous demons, U.S. , Australia , Britain and its allies. We ask, where in the world there is a bear to sell cheap government lives of its citizens ? [ TKI ] , selling cheap SDA Papuan Peoples Right to a PT ( just a PT ) , Freeport ? , But the majority of people in Timika that if any Christian who killed soldier military and non- members can INP called terrorists , but should be referred to OTK references . Because there are no terrorists in Papua , fully in American and Australian authorities . [ ] BINDING CAN ONLY ISLAMIC NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF INDONESIA . Tengku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro , concluded , the only one who can bind the archipelago population and create a sense of brotherhood as a nation is a Religion of Islam . Confidence in Mankind diyakni by 1443 years ago , not Pancasila, and it will never be able to . Book ( cardinal Quranic ) there is no doubt point out to them that believe yangghaib , are steadfast in prayer , and spend some of what We have bestowed on them . And those who believe in the Bible ( cardinal Quranic ) is revealed to you and the books that came before it , and are sure of ( life ) Hereafter . { QS . ~ Al Baqarah : 2-4 } He who created you from clay , after it is determined death ( your death ) , and there is no longer a death determined ( to arise ) at his side ( which he himself knows it ) , then you are still in doubt ( about the consequence ) . { QS . Al Maidaah : 2 } Thy words were perfect ( ~ Al Quran ) as a true and fair sentence . Nothing can change the - robah His word ~ and He is the All -Hearing, All -Knowing. { QS . Al Maidaah : 115 } And Al ~ Quran is the Book which We have sent down and blessed , so follow him and so bertawalah mercy. { QS . Al Maidaah : 155 } Buloh Blang Ara October 28, 2013 [ To be continued )
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 07:28:05 +0000

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