Poor Gluten, the Victim Turned Villain! It is truly mind bugling - TopicsExpress


Poor Gluten, the Victim Turned Villain! It is truly mind bugling for me to see it every day, a report after report about the damages gluten does to the body yet none of these experts asked the question: How humans lived and thrived for thousands of years in the Middle east building all those civilization of the Persian, Romans,the Babylonians and others before them when their diet was based on eating wheat and barely? If you had a chance to see how healthy are the Iraqis in the south and the Syrians in the east, sure before all those going on wars, you would be thinking: If wheat was that bad then how come those people are so healthy, beaming with strength and energy yet considered leading a primitive life style fully dependent on whatever their land produces for them and when it comes to grains basically that would be the Wheat! In this case it is really amazing how the victim is taken as the villain, that is some kind of art created by some humans who are great at driving the masses into whatever they want them to believe especially when it comes to the internet. it is sure the platform for anyone to post their invented science without the appropriate background and validation for their claims when it comes to human biology and biochemistry. FYI gluten is a great ingredient in your food, it is a protein that can feed your body with the necessary amino acids as you are eating your bread. Recently the French did several research studies and gave proof that the problem was never the wheat but it is what humans have done to its components add to that the way it is prepared, cooked or baked for human consumption in North America. Again and again and I insist that wheat is a beautiful innocent grain including its gluten.Dr. Fatma Mohammad.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:27:10 +0000

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