Poor divided America! Republican Vs. Democrat, Black Vs. White. - TopicsExpress


Poor divided America! Republican Vs. Democrat, Black Vs. White. What ya dont realize is nobody cares what you think and soon enough youll be living the life that the government tells you to live and that day is already upon us all. But like sunrise to sundown, the waves will continue to wash upon the shore until it is no more. A concept regarding the fading principles of liberty, a foundation people once were united and agreed upon for the most part. However, the deterioration of this society doesnt come as a surprise to those of us who are educated on actual history rather than biased propaganda that is indoctrinated into the youth of this nation. There was a time when people actually questioned the things they did and challenged themselves to acquire more knowledge on their established beliefs and learning to let go of the past thus acquiring wisdom. Unfortunately, I see way to many self-indulged, low self-esteem, gullible people who will follow any concept or public figure that becomes mainstream all the way to the afterlife. This is the kind of loyalty that should be feared as mindless sheep without distinguishable identity in individuality is dangerous to a conscious society that is aware of the unforgiving reality. Eventually, there is a shift in the direction of the wind, the same process can be applied mentally. A unhealthy mind is one that doesnt evolve in perception through time, as space is merely an idea of ones understanding. Most people can see with their eyes, but if you dont question it then youre blind without a sense of direction and purpose. Even I am still a beginner, but Im willing to take risks, ask questions, search for answers through proven notions and even do things that are considered surreal and impossible in this life. Why stay conveniently chained inside a cave where there is no light and only darkness looms in your mind? How can you expect to see results if youre apart of the problem? The roots of perception begins with a simple breathe, and the sound of your willingness to step forward with your feet as a discretionary measure of caution regarding the unforeseen future. Use your natural senses, take off the tinfoil lenses and allow yourself to experience liberty of the fragile universe that you are apart of and connected to in this life. Dont throw your questions in prison without giving those thoughts a fair trial in the heart of the mastermind, after all, your brain is the judge and has the final say. Allow yourself to search for answers and make the appropriate decision regarding such a scenario. Be fair, be honest, be true in all that you are and see yourself enlightened and be a candle for those who are cold and lost. Offer your hand without any strings attached, but allow the fruits of your truest character to feed the hungry soul that is starving for answers to questions it is afraid to ask. May the Unmasked Illuminati be there for you to be uplifting in ways once thought impossible. Explore the deepest darkest depths, for individual adventure brings forth solitude.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:34:02 +0000

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