Poor residents of Ferguson Mo. Poor poor poor me. Start aboout 38 - TopicsExpress


Poor residents of Ferguson Mo. Poor poor poor me. Start aboout 38 seconds into the video. Poor Gunny Trey, and Luciano, they got it sooooo bad. Poe me. They tired of looking like another species, and being subhuman. As they show footage of looters wearing masks. They done understan it, so they throwing stuff at the POPO cause they be throwing stuff at Gunny, Trey, and Luciano. I mean I wanted to go down there an loot too. I gots to be paid, know what I mean. I done understan it, I mean, if they done rebuild, I gotta go a couple miles to Wal Mart, and all, IT AINT RIGHT, THEY BE TREATING US LIKE DOGS!!! I mean, Obama done good by the black man, dats why the unemployment rate here is 46% foe the black man, thats why people lootin, cause they cant get no jobs. And ol John the rehabilitated gang member says, Poor us, open Ferguson back up fo business, an let the same po youths that burned and looted it fill all these jobs. They can paint, clean, an everthing, they need jobs so they wont have ta loot no mo. What will they do if all the illegals come in and do all those jobs they say us lazy Americans wont do? You threaten, cant speak proper English, look like thugs, loot, then want paid to fix up the damage you did, always the victim, and its never your fault, and you cant understan why they look at yous like subhumans??? Id let you live in the rubble you made, and leave Ferguson to look like the streets of Haiti, or Gary, take your pick. You couldnt pay me to live there. Fu@k every one of them!!! That Obama, he sure done a lot for the black people. 46% unemployment, lets them loot, and burn, then sends Eric Holder down there to tell the likes of Gunny Trey, and Luciano how they are the victims, and to puke out his racist line of crap. Call me what you like, but these people are low life cry baby pukes.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 03:16:10 +0000

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