Poor use of the English language aside, this is some of the worst - TopicsExpress


Poor use of the English language aside, this is some of the worst journalism I have ever witnessed. They start by releasing an update stating that the information in the original article was incorrect. Fast forward one sentence. There is zero evidence that this woman said anything along the lines of murdering people. She is angry. Many people are angry. The phrase they quoted is: “If they (the grand jury) can’t serve justice in this, the people have every right to go out and express their rage in a manner that is equal to what we have suffered (supposed murder).” Note the parenthetical injections. At no point did she allude to taking the life of another being. Its sensationalist horseshit like this which exacerbates the issue, spreads false information and propagates distrust within our community for no reason other than ratings. I realize that this post will only reach the intelligent people I choose to associate myself with, but please listen to your own thoughts and reason. Its drivel like this which will do little more than add fuel to an already inflammatory situation and I need to believe that the relative paltry few who read this can bring strength to our community. I dont think that the Aurelius (an easily hid behind pseudonym) intended anything other than to illustrate a basic story, but with a handful of choice words (for l which he bears no responsibility) changed the story from pertinent to propaganda in the blink of an eye. Remember this: we know nothing. You and I are just humans that happen to live in relative proximity to what turned out to be an immense tragedy. People are angry and rightly so. If you feel that this is your battle as well then so be it, but please be mindful of what you put out in the world. Once its out there, you cant take it back.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:54:53 +0000

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