Popcorn For those that don’t know me personally, I was - TopicsExpress


Popcorn For those that don’t know me personally, I was injured in a car accident at age 19 which left me paralyzed from chest down and need an electric wheelchair to get around. You never think something so life changing like this could or would happen to you. 25 years later I look back at the strengths that carried me through my weakest moments and those moments I share with you. Prior to rehabilitation, I had very limited arm movement, no strength in my arms, and no actual hand movement. Like most of my physical needs at the time, I had to be fed by someone else. Some might picture the Romanistic image of being fed grapes, while lying on a couch and having people fan you with palm leaves, but the reality was far different. For near a month I was not allowed to eat. While lying in a hospital bed I continually begged nurses, family members and friends for a bite of pizza. I was feeling the pains of hunger greater than I have ever thought possible. I dreamt of the moment I could actually get rid of this pain of hunger. That day finally came. The night before the nurse asked me what I wanted on the menu for breakfast. I think I ordered everything and maybe a double portion. The hunger pains were forgotten as I drooled at the thought of my breakfast coming the next day. I woke with a tray of cold hospital food, but the nurse warmed it up in a microwave. My first bite of food was a sliver of bacon. My nurse broke off a small sliver of bacon and placed it in my mouth. Since I had not eaten any solid foods in a month, this first taste of food was an explosion of flavor that I will never forget. I still love bacon to this day. I was torn between savoring this flavor or swallowing the bacon to ease the feeling in my stomach. The nurse brought a fork towards my mouth. My second bite was scramble egg. With the salt and pepper these normally dull hospital eggs tasted like gourmet breakfast food. However after my second bite of each, I was completely stuffed. Who would have thought? After a 5-week hospital stay where I was stabilized, breathing independently and eating solid foods, I was moved to a rehabilitation hospital. I stayed a time at a rehabilitation hospital. The stay was to help me learn to adapt to my newly gained disability, physically, emotionally and socially. Some of the goals were to learn how to use a wheelchair, dress self and to feed myself. All were some steep goals considering I was completely paralyzed coming into hospital. A couple months into the stay I was not gaining strength or much endurance and my days to remain in rehab were coming to an end. The goal for me to learn to feed myself became a main priority. Until this time I was dependant of having to physically be fed by family friends and nursing staff. I still looked forward to eating. but still was dependant on being fed by others. All my meals were fed to me except snack time. Sack time was a social time in the floor lobby where the patients could mingle while enjoying a snack before bed. Patients had snack time at 7pm and I looked forward to snacking on my small bag of cheese popcorn. With great effort I could wedge a piece of popcorn between my fingers and with all my might I could raise the morsel of popcorn to my face, however due to my lack of accuracy, the morsel was way off and missed my mouth. I was lucky if 3 pieces from the whole bag would make my mouth. The majority lay on the floor around the wheelchair. This happened almost every night for a month. How can anyone continue to do the same task just to watch all your efforts fall to your feet? After a month of little success the 3 pieces of popcorn became 6, then 12. Soon I could eat ½ a big of cheese popcorn. A piece of popcorn was a small thing but the effort was so big. You may have a challenge in your life that feels so big. You may watch your efforts fall at every turn. You might miss your mark and you may become discouraged. Have faith, don’t sweat those small things and let don’t discouragement ruin your determination. Keep your eyes focused on your goal and don’t worry about the pieces that fall. I’ll admit to this day you can tell where I sat at the movie theater, as there is a pile of popcorn on the floor, but I left there full and I fed myself. So if you see that popcorn pile, maybe just maybe, I was there…. May you be inspired, uplifted and spiritual refreshed …… Please share if this has touched you or you feel led to inspire others….
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:28:24 +0000

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