Pope Benedict the Liberal People dont believe me when I say - TopicsExpress


Pope Benedict the Liberal People dont believe me when I say this, but let me say it again. In the proper and best sense of the word liberal Pope Benedict XVI was the most liberal Pope of the last hundred years, with no real contenders for the distinction. That is to say, he was generous, (liberal — cf. Summorum Pontificum), educated and rational (liberal in the learned sense), respectful of legitimate diversity and of freedom, respectful of the thoughts and opinions of others, and respectful of the rule of law (the last all marks of classical political liberalism). If one disagreed with him, at least one knew where one stood, because he was honest, transparent, and clear about the things for which he stood. He was also very much aware that there was a difference between his opinions, and the principles of the faith entrusted to him, and that there was a limit to his own authority and power. I can think of no bishop of any church nowadays, and few of whom I have had experience (Ramsey comes nearest) who come close to his standard in these matters. So I stand by my point. Give me such a one, even one with whom I might disagree on some matters of great import, than someone who says he is my friend and ally, but who does not have these liberal qualities. In that vein I post the following very interesting point made by Fr. Finegan: ...there was certainly a stronger media buzz during the time of Pope Benedict than Pope Francis, I am not quite sure why I and other clergy had more to say during the previous pontificate than I have during this one, [*Nota bene*:] _perhaps it is something about the change in attitude towards intellectual freedom that one senses in the air_, or just the positive encouragement Pope Benedict gave to clergy blogging, tweeting etc. tradianglican.blogspot/2014/03/pope-benedict-liberal.html
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:38:15 +0000

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