Pope Francis Angelus address at noon today: Today, the parables - TopicsExpress


Pope Francis Angelus address at noon today: Today, the parables of the treasure hidden in the field & the pearl of great price tell us that the discovery of the Kingdom of God can come suddenly, as when the peasant farmer is ploughing, finding the treasure unexpectedly; or after a long search, as the pearl for the merchant, who finally found the pearl of great price he had long dreamed of. The treasure & the pearl are worth more than all other goods. So, the farmer & the merchant give up everything else to buy them; they dont need to reason, think, reflect; they realize at once the incomparable value of what theyve found & are willing to lose anything to have it. So is the Kingdom of God: whoever finds it has no doubts, he feels that it is what he was looking & waiting for & that it responds to his most authentic aspirations. Those who know Jesus, who meet him personally, remain fascinated, attracted by so much goodness, truth, beauty & all in great humility & simplicity. Look for Jesus, encounter Jesus. This is the great treasure! How many people, how many saints, reading the Gospel with an open heart, have been so struck by Jesus, converted to Him. Think of St. Francis of Assisi. He was already a Christian, but milk-and-water. When he read the Gospel, in a decisive moment of his youth, he met Jesus, & found the Kingdom of God & then all his dreams of earthly glory vanished. The Gospel makes one know the real, living Jesus. He addresses your heart & changes your life. So yes, leave everything. You can actually change your way of life, or continue to do what you did before, but you are another, you are born again. You find that you are given meaning, flavor, light to everything, even hardships, suffering & death. Read a passage of the Gospel every day. Carry a small copy of the Gospel in your pocket, in your handbag -have one at hand & there, reading a passage, we find Jesus. Everything makes sense when you find this treasure, which Jesus called the Kingdom of God, that is, God reigning in your life, in our lives. He is love, peace & joy in every man & in all men. This is what God wants, that for which Jesus gave himself up to die on a Cross, to free us from the power of darkness & move into the realm of life, beauty, goodness, joy! Read the Gospel & find Jesus & have this Christian joy & the gift of the Holy Spirit. Dear brothers & sisters, you see, the joy of having found the treasure of the Kingdom of God shines through. A Christian cant conceal his faith, because it shines through in every word, every gesture, even in the most simple, everyday ones. The love that God shines through, given to us through Jesus. Let us pray, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, that his kingdom of love, justice and peace comes to us and to the whole world.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:10:16 +0000

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