Pope Francis: I see clearly that the thing the church needs most - TopicsExpress


Pope Francis: I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars! You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else. Heal the wounds, heal the wounds…. And you have to start from the ground up. I dont expect a revolution in dogma from this Pope but it *is* good to hear words like these - if the church is good for anything it is good for this, and this only - comforting the wounded. I can jibe with that. The part after, where people spend lifetimes debating dogma and building expensive buildings and asking the poor to pay celibate mens salaries and claiming that *their* interpretation of *their* religion is closest to the Truth - that, to me, is too often for the birds. But: tending to wounded people is a cause worth celebrating and if this Pope wants in on *that* then I say yes, were listening. Because all of us are wounded and broken and could use a helping hand, and could benefit from extending our own.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:00:54 +0000

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