Pope Francis Universal Intention for December ( Christmas, hope - TopicsExpress


Pope Francis Universal Intention for December ( Christmas, hope for humanity ) That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. One night a long time ago an angel appeared to some shepherds and told them a savior had been born nearby who would save people from their sins and ultimately from death. Then many angels appeared proclaiming “peace on earth, good will to all.” What an amazing scene in the hills outside Bethlehem! Jesus was born to reconcile humanity with God and with one another. He came to establish the just order based on loving God above all else and on loving others as children of God. Sharing human life to the point of suffering and dying, Jesus brought hope. He rose from the dead never to die again, and he offers eternal life to all who come to him. Pope Francis has called Christmas “the feast of trust and of hope which overcomes uncertainty and pessimism.” He said: “And the reason for our hope is this: God is with us... he comes to abide with mankind, he chooses earth as his dwelling place to remain with people...in joy or in sorrow. Therefore, earth is no longer only ‘a valley of tears’; rather, it is the place where God himself has pitched his tent, it is the meeting place of God with humanity, of God’s solidarity with people.” The Son of God took flesh so he could be with us. He offered his flesh on the cross for the life of the world. He continues to offer his flesh, his Body and Blood, in the Eucharist. As Pope Francis said, “This closeness of God to every man and woman, to each of us, is a gift that never fades.” May this Christmas bring peace and hope to all! Reflection How do I find peace and hope in the celebration of Christmas? Scripture Colossians 1: 15-23 Christ is our peace and reconciliation
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:59:23 +0000

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