Popular tactic. Heres the full chain of - TopicsExpress


Popular tactic. Heres the full chain of events: Prohibitionists, to argue their case, need guns to be viewed in a light that they exist solely to do violence, they are tools of destruction who have no valid legitimate purpose in the world and whose very existence serves only evil purposes, and no good. People with common sense respond by pointing out that the valid and legitimate purpose for guns is defense against guns. Because wicked men who are willing to break laws will always be able to get guns if they want them, legal or not, and as the famous saying goes, the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Otherwise youre helpless, as long as hes armed and youre not he has all the power and all you can do is hope and pray that his whim is merciful. Prohibitionists like to respond to this by pointing out how unlikely you are to encounter a situation where you would need to protect yourself using a gun. Such instances, though common enough on the news, are rare in comparison to the total population - for every person who is mugged or assaulted, there are hunreds who go their entire lives without ever being the victim of a crime. Therefore, they portray the idea that we want guns for the purpose of self defense as irrational, a desire for protection against an obscure and unlikely threat, which is therefore evidence of paranoia, irrational fear, cowardice. Of course, in reality such precautions against remote and unlikely disasters are commonplace. Housefires are statistically unlikely, yet virtually everyone has smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, etc. Nobody points to them and says they have an irrational paranoid fear of fire. Car accidents, while slightly more common, are still statistically unlikely, and yet virtually everyone has airbags, seatbelts, and all manner of other precautions built into their vehicles. Nobody points to them and accuses them of having an irrational paranoid fear of collisions. Guns are no different. Safeguarding yourself against disasters that are unlikely to ever actually occur is not paranoid, its simply being prepared in the event of an emergency. Borrowed this
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 23:10:56 +0000

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