Population explosion is still the nation’s number one - TopicsExpress


Population explosion is still the nation’s number one problem: It is a matter of great concern that the population is rapidly growing, creating a heavy pressure upon the small territory of Bangladesh. The density of population per square kilometer -- and most of its people living in extreme poverty line -- is very high in Bangladesh compared to its land area. As a result, our limited resources are under severe strains. After being born and having been grown up, a man or women feels the want of innumerable things like food, clothes, housing, medicine etc. We are not then able to cope with the rapid growth of population. Side by side, each day the prices of essential items like rice, flower, edible oil etc., are rising very fast, weakening the already severe economic conditions of living for the people and causing human sufferings in each field. With the growth of population, law and order is also worsening; various crimes like violence, theft, robbery, snatching, rape and murder are commitment through different means. Because of fast increase in population. It has now become impossible to supply essential things in the required quantities. Various types of wants with problems thereof are, thus, cropping up rapidly in our limited land area. Because of this, a syndrome of low standard of human living, food crisis, insufficient water supply and poverty is persisting; our problems are mounting everyday in all respects. Meanwhile, climate also is changing, raising sea water levels. As a result, freshwater is declining mostly in big cities like Dhaka. We have come to know from environmentalists that one half of the landmass of Bangladesh is expected to submerge into the sea within next 50 years. Population growth is our major problem, imposing a heavy burden. This is causing multifarious problems such as food crisis, malnutrition, division of land holdings, changes in human behavior and environmental disaster. BBC & CNN television have reported that such problems are persisting in mostly poor countries like Bangladesh. Our media are also publishing and telecasting seminars, focusing on environment pollution. The government continues to urge the people to plant tree, widely across the country. But the point for consideration is that due to rapid population growth, we are losing our forest in order to build new houses for increased population. Without controlling the population growth rate, we can never expect to protect our environment because this growth is affecting us widely and no programme, taken by government for promoting effective welfare of the people, will come to any use, if population growth rate is not controlled. Meanwhile, the population increase is having an adverse impact on natural as well as social environment. It is estimated that during the last 40 years, about 45% forests have been destroyed in the temperate zone of the world. As a result of destruction of trees, there is absence of rainfall and drought occurs in different places of the world, especially in Bangladesh. Scientists frequently report that with global warming, polar ice caps are also melting due to a rise in atmospheric temperature known as Greenhouse effect. The earth is being heated because of population growth. This is causing imbalance between carbon dioxide and oxygen. Many animals and plants are facing the threat of extinction. The adverse impact of population explosion also is visible in our country. A great number of educated people are becoming unemployed because of having no jobs to earn their living. Political turmoil and unrest are likely to mount up on a wider scale. This rapid growth of population is leaving bad effects on air and sound pollution. This is causing various diseases among us. Polar ice capes are melting due to a rise in atmospheric temperatures. The number of vehicles on the street is on the rise and drivers are blowing horn loudly, causing sound pollution everywhere. With this, air pollution also is rapidly spreading because of dumping garbage randomly. Liquid waste discharged by human beings, is falling through drain into rivers and getting mingled with the river water. Environment is, thus, being polluted around us, causing health hazards. Under such circumstance, we urge the concerned authorities to take necessary steps to bring down population growth rate as quickly as possible. Otherwise, we will be in a great danger in future. The issue should be considered very seriously. The media should be involved, in a pro-active manner, in the drive for making the people aware of he multi-dimensional adverse impact of population growth rate and for drastically lowering it down.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:27:02 +0000

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