Poroshenko told how to sign the Association and the Board - TopicsExpress


Poroshenko told how to sign the Association and the Board dismissed despite blackmail The signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the dissolution of the Parliament and the signing of the law on lustration not without pressure and blackmail. This was stated by President of Ukraine Poroshenko the appeal on the occasion of freedom and dignity, posted on the website said. We have signed, ratified and has finally started to fulfill the Association Agreement with the European Union. You think this happen automatically? A great work had to make me and our diplomats to overcome the pressure and blackmail from the East, to dispel certain doubts and fluctuations in the West. A new election to the Parliament - is another step in our compliance with the Revolution of dignity. Swarms walkers knocked me out the door with an offer to leave everything as it was. Granted full loyalty of MPs. But I took a firm stand and dissolved the parliament, - said Poroshenko. See also: Poroshenko assured Merkel that Ukraine will soon have a new government He added that besides these changes So Hard after the new year will come into force the laws of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the new law on the prosecutors office because he is not ashamed to report to the Ukrainian. Despite external aggression, step by step in the difficult struggle with the forces of the past serves what is required insurgent people. The fact that he promised on the Square - he said. Poroshenko admitted that had made and some bugs. Did my mistakes? Of course, because not mistaken the only one who does nothing. I am open to criticism, I hear it and take into account. What I myself unhappy, so it speeds the pace of reform and the fight against corruption, - he said . The President assured that the fight has already begun and it will continue. Corrupt hierarchy, in which up from across the country gathered bribes, we finally broke. And thats just the tip of the iceberg and only the beginning of the fight, - said Poroshenko.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:43:17 +0000

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