Pose of the week: restorative twist This is the busiest time of - TopicsExpress


Pose of the week: restorative twist This is the busiest time of year for a lot of people. I know that for me at least all the Christmas parties, covering classes for teachers that are away, and catching up with friends and family have meant that making time for my own practice is increasingly difficult. If you’re feeling a bit overrun at the moment try to take 10 minutes out of your day for this restorative pose- 5 minutes on each side. I’m using a bolster here but you could easily use any firm pillow, or maybe roll up your mat and wrap some blankets or towels around it. Get into it… Sit with your support up against your right hip. Your bum sits on the floor, your knees are bent and your heels are next to your left hip (photo 2). Take an inhalation and lengthen your spine up straight, then as you exhale turn your torso to face along your support (photo 3). Inhale and lengthen your spine once more, and then as you exhale slowly walk your hands along either side of your support until you are resting on it (photo 4). Relax here. Each time you exhale feel as if any tension you are holding in your body slowly melts away. Repeat by twisting to the other side. Watch out for… Try to ensure that as you twist the movement comes from your torso and not just from your neck. In this way the twisting motion will stimulate your internal organs. The increased blood flow to these organs when your release the twist will have a detoxifying effect (also very useful at this time of year!). I’m struggling a bit… If you’re not comfortable on your support try making it a little higher so you don’t have as far to lower down. You can either have your face looking in the same direction as your knees are pointing (photo 5), or turned the other way to continue the twist (photo 6). Only turn your head if that is completely comfortable. Challenge me… The most challenging aspect of any yoga pose is to stay mindful while you’re practicing. This is even more the case with restorative poses as there is minimal physical effort needed, and so your mind is more able to wander. Try to focus on your breathing. If you notice your mind wandering just let the thought go, and come back to observing your breath.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 07:00:00 +0000

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