Position: Consultant Deadline: August 1, 2013 Agency: - TopicsExpress


Position: Consultant Deadline: August 1, 2013 Agency: ADB Specifications: Power Sector Public Information Program Under ADB Financed Loan 2869/G0294 KGZ: Power Sector Rehabilitation Project A. Objective 1. The objective of the assignment is to conduct a Power Sector Public Information Program (PIP). The PIP is essential to: (i) increase public awareness and remove negative perception about power sector reforms of the government and (ii) educate the public on benefits to achieve from an effective tariff policy and efficient energy usage. It is also necessary to increase awareness and motivate people about the success in similar country power sector reform, power sector past and present, future power sector development plan, investment challenges etc. 2. A local consulting firm to be recruited under the ADB financed Power Sector Rehabilitation Project is required to carry out the awareness program. Ministry of Energy and Industry (MOEI) is the employer. 3. The scope of services will be performed in a period of approximately 1.2 years in 3 phases. Phase 1 includes desk review, social research survey. Phase 2 includes preparation of communication plan and Phase 3 includes conducting the PIP based on communication plan. B. Background 4. The Kyrgyz Republic power sector is characterized by aging assets, high commercial losses, below-cost tariffs, and poor performance of sector companies. Electricity tariffs are below cost recovery, with a weighted average consumer tariff of $0.022 per kilowatt-hour. It is estimated that a weighted average tariff of $0.04 per kilowatt-hour is required for full recovery. A review of the tariff policy is being conducted with general acceptance from all sections of the government that tariffs must be raised. The Ministry of Energy and Industry (MOEI) energy strategy includes a target of reaching the full cost recovery tariff by 2015. Nevertheless, the government is concerned about implementing tariff reform after negative public reaction in 2010 following tariff increase. 5. In June 2012, ADB approved the Power Sector Rehabilitation Project, the project consist of the following subcomponent: (i) Rehabilitation of Toktogul hydroelectric power plant by replacing existing secondary electrical and mechanical equipment with new equipment. (ii) Establishment of Kyrgyz Electricity Settlement Center. (iii) A dam safety assessment that will assess the condition of dams on the Naryn cascade, with necessary remedial measures identified. (iv) Implementation of a public information program that will raise public awareness of developments in the electricity sector and the benefits of power sector reform. The impact will be increased reliability of national and regional power system. The outcome will be improved operational performance of the power sector. 6. The Government of Kyrgyz Republic (the Government) and the national generation, transmission and distribution companies have undertaken a number of good initiatives for power sector development. However, the lack of appropriate communication in terms of public campaign, awareness drive, motivational activities and other programs developed negative impression due inadequate means of information dissemination. The Government and power companies want to improve revenue collection and achieve cost recovery tariff to be able to finance rehabilitation of the ageing power facilities and meet growing demand. 7. The PIP is essential to: (i) to increase public awareness and neutralize negative perception about power sector reforms including anticorruption measures and, (ii) educate the public on benefits to achieve from an effective tariff policy and efficient energy usage. It is also necessary to aware and motivates the people about the success in similar country power sector reform, power sector past and present, subsidy, future power sector development plan, investment challenges etc. C. Scope of Work: 8. The consultant will be working with public information program working group, the working group led by the MOEI consist of representatives from: MOEI (including regulatory and press unit) Prime Minister’s Office ADB World Bank 9. The scope of services, to be performed in a period of approximately 1 year involves 3 phases: Phase 1: desk review, public opinion survey; Phase 2: preparation of communication plan and Phase 3: conducting the public information program based on communication plan. D. Detailed tasks 10. Phase 1: Inception Phase (4 months) • Review the existing communication practices of the MOEI to identify ?i) how public outreach and media relations of MOE has been carried out, (ii) the communication strengths and weaknesses • Recruit a local energy specialist to understand the country energy sector and power sector technical issues. The main task of the local energy specialist is to guide the team on energy sector and power sector technical issues, he/she ideally should have an engineering background and experience working in the government or with donor’s community. He/she also will brainstorm practical efficient energy usage that can be adopted by households in both rural and urban area. (ie. Using energy-saving bulbs, in house temperature control during winter season…..) • Desk review on power sector reform experience in similar countries (i.e. Georgia, Armenia, etc.) with a view of identify successful tools and scenarios suitable for use and promotion in the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as mistakes to be avoided. • Consult with State Department on Regulation of Fuel-Energy Complex (regulator) under the MOEI regarding tariff policy and communication strategy to educate the public. Also review (with regulator), the benefit to achieve on effective tariff. • Review on the Kyrgyz Republic ongoing energy sector development and reforms; consult with power companies and MOEI on cause of power cuts, future power sector development plan and investment challenges. • Review and interview relevant stakeholders on the cause of power thefts and corruption, and discuss best measures (in terms of public awareness) to encourage accurate electricity bill payment and eradicate corruptive practices in power companies. • Conduct a public opinion survey to: (i) measure the level of public trust towards government communication regarding the energy sector, (ii) identify the reasons why the public has been opposing to the energy tariff increase, (iii) identify the challenges that, in the public’s opinion, the energy sector’s facing (iv) to identify the public’s awareness and attitude towards efficient energy usage practices. 11. Phase 2 (3 months) • Develop communication plan based on Phase 1 outputs. The consultant to recommend proper public awareness and media approach based on Phase 1 consultation and review. 12. Phase 3 (6 months) • Implementation of communication plan • Develop innovative and state-of-the-art information and campaign materials involving various media tools (TV, radio, print media, social media, website, etc.) to effectively achieve targeted audiences (at least 75% of electricity subscribers and customers) • Conduct a public opinion survey to measure the level of public’s awareness, understanding and trust towards the power sector reform after the Consultant’s completes the assignment. 13. Deliverables (indicative) • Public opinion survey report (baseline and after conducting PIP) • Communication plan • Innovative and state-of-the-art Information and campaign materials (TV, radio, print media, social media, website, etc...). • Inception report • Bi-monthly progress reports • Final report E. Experience and competencies of firm 14. Local communication firm with at least three years experience of working as a public relations expert for public sector 15. Local provincial knowledge is essential. All media campaign and information must be presented in both Kyrgyz and Russian language and following the Kyrgyz Media and Language law. F. Consultants-Qualification and Detailed Tasks 16. Public Relation Specialist/Team Leader. University degree or Diploma (preferably at Master’s level) in Communication with at least 3 years experience of working as a public relation expert for public/private sector. He/she must be fluent in English, Russian and Kyrgyz Language. He/she is expected to: (i) Lead the team (ii) Conduct Phase 1 review (iii) Coordinate with other team members to develop a detailed communication plan and implementation schedule; (iv) Prepare inception, quarterly review report and final report. (v) Prepare and implement Information and campaign materials 17. External Communication Specialist/Deputy Team Leader. University degree or Diploma in Communication with at least 2 years experience of working as a public relation expert for public/private sector. He/she must be fluent in English, Russian and Kyrgyz Language. (i) Support team leader in conducting Phase 1 review. (ii) Develop a detailed communication plan. (iii) Prepare and implement Information and campaign materials 18. Media Specialist. University degree or Diploma in relevant field with at least 2 years experience of working as a media expert for public/private sector. Experience in social media is a plus He/she must be fluent in English, Russian and Kyrgyz Language. (i) Support team leader in conducting Phase 1 review. (ii) Develop a detailed communication plan. (iii) Lead social research survey (iv) Prepare and implement Information and campaign materials 19. Graphics and Web Engineer. University degree or Diploma in graphics design/software engineering/web development or relevant fields with at least 1 year experience of working with media for public/private sector. He/she should have experience in web design and development and print media; experience in social media is a plus. (i) Prepare and implement Information and campaign materials G. Level of Effort of Team of Consultants 20. The expected level of effort from the Firm is shown in the following tables. Team Member - Person-month 1 Public Relation Specialist/Team Leader - 10 2 External Communication Specialist/Deputy Team Leader - 5 3 Media Specialist -5 4 Graphics and Web Engineer - 3 Total: 23 H. Period 21. The assignment will be undertaken over a 14 month period. (December 2013 – March 2015) This assignment is posted on ADB website. here it is the link with full inforamtion https://uxdmz06.adb.org/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page=/adb/oracle/apps/xxcrs/csrn/webui/CsrnResultPG&OAPB=ADBPOS_CMS_ISP_BRAND&FromLink=Y&retainAM=Y&country=KGZ&_ti=1041810919&oapc=5&oas=yzyqWcMkf-6yoo9ows-oEw.. Contacts: The deadline for submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) is 1 August 2013. type of assignment is National. Interested firms have to submit their EOI though our online system cms.adb.org Executing Agency (client) is the Ministry of Energy and contact person is Bekten Doolotov donors.kg/en/vacancies/?item=1073
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:25:39 +0000

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