Positive training thought of the day. After a break from the gym - TopicsExpress


Positive training thought of the day. After a break from the gym its all to easy to start getting negative and reflect on lost gains; and while its true you would of lost some gains the second time round you have a new advantage you didnt have first time. You often hear people quote the term muscle memory and say that you will get your gains back quicker the second time around. Now while its not actually true that your muscles have memory of being larger, the later part is true in the respect that the second time around it will be easier to get your original gains back quicker. The reason for this comes from the fact that usually the most restrictive element affecting new growth is your muscle fascia. The muscle fascia is a tight outside layer wrapped around the muscle. When you have been bigger in the past you have stretched this fascia layer and made it more pliable and second time around the fascia is much quicker to stretch and allow the building up of muscle tissue. People that have been obese will also notice this affect slightly however not as much as someone that became bigger through training. Reason for this is fat normally builds up outside of the muscle fascia however a small part of the extra size will of occurred around the fibres and will of caused this effect to a small degree. In fact when done correctly, this is the same theory behind those that take synthol. The oil stretches out the muscle over time making it easier for the fascia to encompass new growth. However some people get addicted to the quick gains and before long have balls of encapsulated oil wrapped in scar tissue that just look nasty. The people that take synthol correctly, you would never be able to tell as the oil would of dispersed slowly and been replaced with muscle over time. I dont recommend synthol to anyone however, whether done correctly or not there are plenty of negatives and dangers. Anyway, moving on from That side note. Its first day back for me and if like me you have had a recent dip in training for whatever reason, take comfort that we are going to get those gains back a lot quicker this time round! ;) Lets do this!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 09:04:23 +0000

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