Positivity comes from the fact that life is not about being - TopicsExpress


Positivity comes from the fact that life is not about being controlled by people who dont matter and things that do not matter. Life is loving yourself. Life is loving who you are and not giving any heed to what people think of you. As long as you know what you are doing, it should not matter if anyone else thinks wrong of you. Its not about you and them, you were not built to please but built to live and to appreciate life. Its about you and you. You are what you want to be. Nothing should be as important as you and nothing should be loved more than you. Give your self priority and let the friends who left you in a storm be bygones. You need solid pebbles in your life not sand that washes away when a storm hits you. Sometimes it takes a storm to diffrenceate between the pebbles and the sand. Never stress! Its that simple! what do you stress for anyway! Your mother did not give birth to you for you to start stressing till you die no? Bad stuff happens and depression is inevitable in anybodys life but bounce back because no depression should be worth messing with your happiness. Think about how other people out there are in a much wworse predicament than you are in. Whatever problems you or I may have, someone else has a bigger one than both yours and mine combined out there. Spread happiness, spread positive vibes, help others both physically and emotionally, be there for people even for strangers and advice people on their issues and problems nicely. When you help a fellow human out, you will never be sad or depressed for long periods of time. On a different note, TGIF!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 08:09:58 +0000

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