*Possible Spoilers !* So yes, I did the unthinkable and broke a - TopicsExpress


*Possible Spoilers !* So yes, I did the unthinkable and broke a vow of mine. Went and watched XMen:DOFP last night. So let me give a honest review. >The movie has a butt-ton of shit issues. A horrible lot. >First of all the very base of it. Wolverine gets sent back in time to evade a destructive future that is bound to happen. Which raises big questions on continuity of previous movies. Their goal is for Wolverine to contact Xavier in past and convince him out of his drug addicted hippie, loser ways. He achieves this by bringing the conscious of past Xavier to meet the future one and motivating him to that. If that is so, how the hell the Xavier in X1,2,3 were motivated ?? Really ? >Wolverine is sent back under the precautions of Everything you do in the past will effect the future. But the whole change only happens right at the very end when Mystique drops the gun. I dont know. What about what happened all the way before that ? The concept of time travel is teased in the movie by showing Star Trek Episode at a TV in Quicksilvers house. But the movie ruins the concept. Singer, go watch more Star Trek, or play Bio Schock:infinite at least. >What a waste of actors. They bring out the biggest cast and announce it at comic-con, only to wipe them out in the first 5minutes of the movie. Only to brought back again - To be killed again - or not, because the time line gets altered in the end. Warpath, Blink, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Bishop, Ice man - Complete waste of a caste which had a great potential. Bishop and Blink mostly. > What the hell is Tyrion Lannister doing in X-DOFP ??? Seriously. Peter is a brilliant actor who was nothing but being Tyrion Lannister through out the movie. The characterization was great, but Peter did not deliver it somewhat. ugh. Too much Game of Thrones I guess. >QuickSilver was a entire waste. He was very entertaining, the dick-bag everyone cannot stop-liking, who could have solved most of the issues in the movie. They could have used him more in subtle ways. But no, he just gets dropped out without no serious reason after 15minutes just because to drag the movie on. >Fassbender was doing something really awesome with Magneto. But I feel his character getting thrown around just because of creating big-destruction-moments. In First class he was very decisive and one-mided. Which was brilliant. In this, he just walks all over the place without doing anything worthwhile. His appearance was primaraly for destruction of big set pieces. *sigh* >Horrible costumes. Oh my god, Horrible. >How the hell Kitty Pryde get a power which she did not have in first place ? Neither it is explained. Again she is there just as an easter egg. With this much of issues, I am passing my judgement early on without ranting on further .So my Final Verdict is : Its a good movie. Yeah, very much entertaining. Finally we get to see a Xmen movie not whoring on Wolverine. Wolverine as just another member of Xmen. Wolverine who gets sent back in time just because his brain cells can take that damage. Finally Wolverine serving his purpose. Heck, the only time he battles is just 5 seconds with 5 gangsters. praise the almighty for that. Finally we get a movie about the more central characters of the mutants in early days of Xmen. Magneto,Xavier,Mystique,Hank. I hope this continues a little more and include Scott, Emma, Rogue,Gambit,storm in the future. Fassbender and James McAvoy moments were purely Epic.Big thumbs up for that steller acting. I dont want your suffering .. I dont want your future ! YOU Abandoned me Xavier, You abandoned us all Plus Quicksilvers line You can control Metal. My mom knew a guy who could do that. That was pure awesome and could trigger a tear. With a shit ton of issues, this movie still is entertaining as in movie sense. I call First class as the best/epic movie of Xmen. This would come up close second to it. My best loving part is, in the whole movie it completely kicks the bucket of X1,2,3, Origins, The Wolverine to non existence and make them Not happen. Thus removing the failure movies from history records. Thank you for that. Seriously the only thing has happened now is First Class and maybe a little of X1. Post Credits explained : The person in the hood is Apocalypse, in his much younger appearance. He was the first mutant. We see him in egypt creating a pyramid with his telekinesis powers while Egyptians worship him. The four horsemen of Apocalypse is also shown in the background with him.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 04:52:04 +0000

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