Post #119 Introduction To Vedanta (TatvabOdha) – By Swami - TopicsExpress


Post #119 Introduction To Vedanta (TatvabOdha) – By Swami Paramarthananda 11. Avasthā Trayam and Kosha Panchakam 11.1. Avasthā Trayam – Three States of experience 11.1.3. Sushupti Avasthā – Dreamless Sleep Medium The dominant medium is to be seen now. Sthūla Sharīram is not dominantly functioning because sense organs are not functioning.Sūkshma Sharīram is not dominantly functioning because memories are not thrown out. Therefore what is dominant is the Kārana Sharīram Pradhāna Avasthā. A state in which Kārana Sharīram is dominant when Sthūla Sharīram and Sūkshma Sharīram are as though resolved because they are not functional. Whatever is not functioning is as good as resolved. During Kārana Sharīram Pradhāna Avasthā, all our internal and external experiences remain in dormant condition and from that alone they will come back the next day. Hence to summarise, when I am associated with Jāgrat Avasthā, I am called the Waker. When associated with Svapna Avasthā, I am called Dreamer. When associated with Sushupti Avasthā I am called a sleeper. In Shāstram, three words are used: - Vishva is the name of the waker. Vishva means fully as the mind is fully functional. - Taijasaha – Internally illumined person or the dreamer -Prājnaha - sleeper or blissfully ignorant person. Prakarshena Ajnaha Prājnaha. The above was Avasthā Trayam (Will be continued)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:43:53 +0000

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