Post 51: SWAMI VIVEKANANDA BIOGRAPHY OF A MIGHTY SAINT - By Prabhu Datta & Venu Murthy The wonder was though Raipur had a court; it did not have a school in those days! Now Narens schooling so to say was at the feet of his father. Vishwanatha Datta was a very noble man with a noble mind. He had a great intellect. Naren was very much benefited by long discussions with his father now. Many great scholars visited Vishwanatha. There would be very lively conversation between them and Naren’s father many times. Naren would also take part in the conversations occasionally. Once, a great scholar of Bengali literature came to Vishwanatha Datta’s house at Raipur. Naren took part actively in the discussion. The depth of Naren’s understanding was a revelation to the scholar. Naren was quoting verse after verse, quotation after quotation from the best books of Bengali, English and Sanskrit literature. The old man, the visiting scholar was amazed at Naren’s prolific memory and original observations. At last he admiringly remarked, “my boy, surely you will be great, we will hear about you a lot some day!” and indeed, it came to be true! In Raipur Naren learnt chess from his father and became an expert. He also developed his cooking fully with the help of his father. Vishwanath was an excellent cook. Naren perfected his art of cooking and throughout his life he loved to cook and feed guests. His father became his music teacher as well in Raipur and fine tuned Naren’s singing. Naren returned to Kolkata with all other family members after two years. Now he had grown more. He was sixteen. His physical appearance also had changed. He had a perfect physique. And he looked like a handsome prince. Now he was careful in choosing his friends. He loved boys with whom he could communicate finer ideas. He loved those who were idealistic with a keen intellect. He chose only boys of good character. Yet he was a large hearted, generous boy and respected all others too. He would never look down upon any one. But he stayed away from bad company.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 22:41:18 +0000

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