Post by Cristobell on my forum: WHO STILL THINKS THIS IS A - TopicsExpress


Post by Cristobell on my forum: WHO STILL THINKS THIS IS A WHITEWASH? After the dramatic events of the past few months, most significantly: * the removal of Tannerman * the mention of death * the excavations in Portugal * the change in reporting from abduction to disappearance There are countless more. Kate looks as though she is having a nervous breakdown, and it was apparent that she was strictly forbidden from speaking when the couple last addressed their public outside the Lisbon Court. The McCanns are clearly not singing from the same hymn sheet as Scotland Yard. Tannerman still holds pole position on their webpage, and the message is they are looking for a live child. Scotland Yard by contrast, are searching for a body. I am no expert on whitewashes, but surely in order for a whitewash to succeed, all the parties involved should be co-operating with each other? I also think, that if you were about to embark on a whitewash, you would not choose to do so in a blaze of publicity. Whitewashes are by their very nature, covert and secretive. They should also involve the least of amount of people possible, as every individual is a potential whistleblower. The size and scale of Operation Grange, takes the cast list to hundreds. However, the most significant argument against a whitewash is the involvement of Scotland Yard. Why are they involved? Why are they investigating a crime that was committed in Portugal? Putting it bluntly, its none of their business. Has there ever been a crime, anywhere in the world, where a nation has said, we do not accept the findings of your police, so we will investigate it ourselves? Did the USA send out a task force of FBI, or CIA to overrule the evidence in the Amanda Knox case? The idea is absurd. Before the investigation began, senior officers from the CPS flew out to meet their counterparts in Portugal. In my opinion the only logical reason for their visit would be the involvement of British citizens. Ditto, the involvement of Scotland Yard, realistically, how can they investigate a crime in another country? Are officers from SY presently going through the criminal, medical, financial and past histories of the three stooges they dragged in to interview. All of which, will be in Portuguese. Will they be interviewing their friends, colleagues, everyone who knows them? Again, all Portuguese, and in Malinkas case, Russian. How exactly will they build their case for prosecution against these 3? And even if they accomplished the impossible, it would be up to the Portuguese Attorney General. Scotland Yard cannot prosecute anyone for the crime committed in Portugal. So why are British taxpayers paying millions to investigate a crime where the UK has no jurisdiction? In my opinion, the only reason SY are involved in this case, is because the suspects are British. I would be interested to hear if anyone has changed their mind recently, or indeed become more resolute that Madeleine will never receive justice.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:07:49 +0000

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