Post contains massive spoilers Aldnoah season 2 episode 1 - TopicsExpress


Post contains massive spoilers Aldnoah season 2 episode 1 views : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I am flipping tables here cause I am so happy about the scenario that turned up in episode 1 .So my predictions for season two were almost correct : 1) Shovel face a.k.a Inhao is ALIVE (he was apparently shot through the eye socket and was immediately found hence he lives ) Also he now has a cool cybernetic left eye and the power to activate aldnoah drive.The princess gave the power to him before she died . 2) The princess is DEAD and has been replaced by a look alike princess who also belongs to the royal blood line (her background is a mystery yet ).She has become a figurehead in the ongoing war where the martians are trying to take over earth completely under her command .(oh yes they have gone full out now ) 3) Saazbaum is alive .Inaho saved him (for some bigger picture I cant contemplate) and now is manipulating the scenes from the background since he found the fake princess. 4 ) Slaine has become a mars loyalist and an orbital knight equipped with his own sassy white kataphract and skills to kill .He is working with saazbaum and his intentions are a total mystery.(you clever rat ,you ).He is definitely plotting something though . All in all I am loving it .Aldnoah wastes no time in getting your adrenaline running. The background music is fantastic as expected. Although I am yet to hear the opening and ending song. So people ,what are your opinions on the turn of events ? :D Admim DD P.S : I laughed real hard at the manservant sub *I smell yaoi*
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:50:38 +0000

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