Post from Lindsay the young mother praying for a miracle I - TopicsExpress


Post from Lindsay the young mother praying for a miracle I wanted to first share how you can be praying for us as in just 5 days we will be entering into a new season with Dasah. While we dont know how that day will unfold, we know that God will be ever present with us. And just as David declared in 2 Samuel 22: 7; In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I called. From his temple he heard my voice and my cry came to his ears. so we believe that as we and Gods people cry to the Lord for us, on our behalf as a family, he will hear and intervene in our lives with magnificent and glorious power. We continue to see him provide for us in supernatural ways and this week in particular we are desperate for people to be interceding on our behalf. Here are some specific prayer requests that wed like to invite you to join with us in praying (along with however else God would lead): 1. That God would be glorified and people would be pointed to Jesus through Dasahs life and our family. His glory, His praise, His honor is what we want people to see MORE THAN ANYTHING else. That has been a journey for me to be able to say, but I say confidently now as God has revealed more of himself to me in the past few months that there is nothing greater then his glory and oh how we want others to see through our little family how great our God is and how worthy he is to follow. 2. Pray for Dasahs full and complete healing, pray that the coming weeks will be categorized by the miraculous works of God. We so desire those miraculous works to include a healing of epic proportions this side of heaven, and yet we also know that should God not heal Dasah the miraculous may be found in bringing us and our family joy to our hearts in the midst of great sorrow, peace in the midst of distress, and hope in the midst of despair. Those responses in the midst of great grief would be nothing short of the miraculous working of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So we ask that you would pray for healing and pray that God would reach down and continue to do the miraculous in our hearts in the midst of the heartache we are experiencing. 3. Safety and peace for me in my c-section and recovery. Surgeries scare me, I hate needles and the pain I know now comes with a c-section. Pray that the peace that passes understanding would transcend my heart in the coming days and as we head to the hospital Thursday morning. 4. If God does not heal Dasah, that she would be born alive and doing well enough that we would get to bring her home. Oh this would bring us so much joy to get to welcome her into our home even if its just for a short amount of time. 5. God would guide and use our doctors, nurses and technicians throughout the delivery and postpartum. We have an incredible team of medical peeps that we are so thankful for. Pray that God would guide their hands in surgery, decisions afterwards and care for Dasah and myself. 6. God would give us the faith, hope, joy and peace we need each day in the coming weeks and that we would not be overwhelmed by the tomorrows of what may be coming and rest in today. Thank you for praying. Thank you for asking others to pray. We are seeing strength rise in us in the midst of our emotions, weariness, tears and sadness. It is obvious that more and more people have begun to pray and lift our weary arms as the body of Christ. Please feel free to share these prayer requests! I want to close with a few short thoughts on 2 Samuel 22. I love this passage and its fitting to be the one Im reading today as I pray these prayers and ask others to join with me in calling to the Lord. Fitting because here, David found himself in a place of great desperation and we get to see the response of his heart after the Lord has delivered him from his great enemy. As you read this passage you can begin to see a pattern of the Lords response to David and then Davids response to the Lord. David begins with praise to the Lord and then quickly expresses his utter desperation, how death itself is encompassing him. As he expresses he calls to the Lord and it is then that the Lord answers him with mighty mighty power. Just reading v 8-20 and imagining the Lord coming for me like that is powerful. And yet this is what the Lord does. As we call... He comes. And he comes in power and in might. He comes to rescue us, just as he rescued David. He deals with Davids heart and then begins to strengthen and equip David. It is only after David has called, after God has parted the heavens and come down, after God rescues Him, after God deals with Davids heart, after God strengthens him, and after God equips David that David confidently steps out in faith and not fear against his enemies and even then David acknowledges that it is the Lord who goes before him, it is the Lord who fights his battles for him as he steps out in faith. It is the Lord who has become his confidence. And so just as he began his song in praise so he ends his song in praise to the great deliverer, the Rock, the one whose steadfast love he has come to know and experience in radical ways. This God, is our God. This is the God who comes for us. We may not see him parting the sky and causing the foundations of heaven to tremble when we call but he is doing just that. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 I wonder if I could see God coming for me like that, strengthening me in the same way David described, if I too would walk with greater confidence, greater hope, greater security in the steadfast love of my God who is the same God that David calls to. And I wonder as I call to the Lord in my weakness, much like David, the ways God is coming for us in our desperate cry. Heres what I know, hes not just coming, hes hear, hes listening and hes responding to our crys and even when I cant see it his response is coming in more powerful ways then I could even imagine. Resting in that reality and thinking of that reality today.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 02:28:21 +0000

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