Post from a fellow friend I have a question, maybe the group - TopicsExpress


Post from a fellow friend I have a question, maybe the group can help me.. I am just getting out of a 13 year marriage to a narcissist. My main problem lies in our children and his care of them-or lack there of. When he was home I did everything, therapy, school. appointments, homework, social groups, I was point on everything. I asked for his help and he basically said he would let me do it all, he told me our sons baseball games were boring and in two years has never been to one game. Now that hes gone, I still cannot get him involved. Hes taken them to therapy a handful of times at best. He never asks for more days with them, and he has hidden from me on days hes supposed to have them because he was mad at me and refused to take them on his appointed days. He was withholding money from me that he swore to pay weekly for the kids, stating that it is my fault he wasnt paying because I agreed to let my grandmother get me an attorney. He said that he had to get his own attorney and that the kids money would be going towards that..I have yet to get anything stating he has representation, He tells me that I never acknowledge all he does for the kids, he doesnt do anything..everyone tells me I raised them alone. Most of their therapists never even met him until he left the house, and even then it was only once-maybe twice. I try to be civil with him, for the kids, I want them to have a father figure-but I cant do this anymore. I am still jumping through hoops. As a result of an incident on Christmas Eve I have filed a police report and a PPO, I also have asked for the PPO to be modified so that he cant buy a weapon-as he has threatened my friends and that he cannot text or call me. We have a court date on that PPO next week. Is there any way to co parent with some like this? He chooses his gf over the kids all the time, he never asks for extra days with them or even to see them if he has a few hours free. When he left us he promised me that they would come first and its obvious that they dont. I have been telling him I want to talk, maybe drop the PPO as I want the kids to have a father figure, hes been threatning to get a PPO on me. I have not harassed him, I dont send mean texts..I basically ask that he just be there for the kids. Can he get a PPO on me? Do I have to let him see the kids even if he is no longer supporting them? I dont know what to do and I want to make sure I dont do anything that would endanger me keeping the children with me. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:12:54 +0000

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