Post from member: Hello, I am a traumatic brain injury - TopicsExpress


Post from member: Hello, I am a traumatic brain injury survivor/warrior/patient. I thought the worst was over when I graduated out of all the therapies within 2 years of the motor vehicle accident date it occurred, (August 28, 2008) I was 18 years old and my diagnosis was a severe traumatic brain injury. Doctors werent sure if I was going to survive. They said if I did, I wouldnt be able to drive, go to school, or do the things I once did. They kept me in inpatient therapy for a few months, I then was released from the hospital. I went to outpatient therapy for 2 years but was released because I hit a plateau in my recovery. I eventually started relearning how to drive since I had to relearn what it took 18 years to learn. Im very proud of the determination and persistence Ive had with overcoming and learning what I have. Its been 6 years since the initial diagnosis. Ive spent the past few years self teaching, reading, and even joining support groups. Ive fallen out of the support groups and have tried living a normal life. I didnt have a job because of all the time Ive had to spend relearning and recovering. The recovery process is something that doesnt end. Its an every day process. I recently got a part time job at a bar/restaurant but I dont know how long that is going to last because my hours keep getting cut. My family have been the greatest support and push in my life to keep me on top of things. My mother in particular. Im now finding that I deal with false memories more than ever. Im incredibly stressed and find myself remembering things clearly and I allow them to eat away at me. Of course they are things that hurt me so I say things and behave in a way I know I shouldnt. I know Im not alone in this. However, I know every TBI is different, everyone has a different story and different side effects to their TBI, but there are some factors in TBI that are the same. I WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE EXPERIENCE FALSE MEMORIES? I never really dealt with that before my injury. And now it seems to be ruining the social circle in my life. Most people dont understand TBI. There is not enough help for the TBI community. And I know thats because its very hard to understand something that is hard to understand, because the brain is very complex. I am studying psychology with a minor focus on human services, end goal is neuropsychology. I know it will be hard but I think if I overcame what I have, with the training, persistence, determination, and more importantly time, I can do anything I set my mind to. My neuropsychologist had a head injury himself. I look up to him. There is no doubt in my mind I am able to do this. But I wont be able to with the distraction of these false memories interfering with my life on a regular basis!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:34:04 +0000

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