Post from member: One of the silver linings to having a TBI for - TopicsExpress


Post from member: One of the silver linings to having a TBI for me is helping others with TBI. I go to the laundromat in the middle of the night when it is quiet and empty. During the day is too overwhelming, confusing, noisy and chaotic to handle. Last night another woman was also doing wee hour laundry and we got to chatting. In conversation I mentioned that I have a TBI. She was surprised and said she had one a few years ago as well. She has not had any communication or assistance from meetings, organizations, or online groups. My TBI was 15 years ago this month and I only found these networks in the last 2 years so I feel very much like my understanding, life, and prospects for the future just began since then. Feelings of alienation, loneliness and disconnected from society were so severe until I found these networks. I mentioned some of the common conditions of TBI like the feeling alienated, tired, memory, overwhelmed, mood swings, etc. and watched her face absolutely light up. She knew she wasnt alone. Someone understood her. We talked and talked, she seemed so relieved and alive having someone she could relate to. We exchanged numbers, I gave her the information for the monthly meeting I attend, our countys brain injury association, and told her what to search to find groups on Facebook including this one- that there is a whole giant community of us who understand, advise, and support each other. I remember how I felt when I first understood what I was going through was normal with a TBI, that I was not alone, and how that changed my whole world. The rare occasion I can do that for someone else are the happiest moments I have since my TBI. The expression on her face- to give her the unique support only we can give each other, the understanding that what she is going through is normal and that the realization that she is not alone, was my most wonderful 15th re-birthday present.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 01:07:42 +0000

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