Post my son just posted to his FB page and some responses from my - TopicsExpress


Post my son just posted to his FB page and some responses from my older son and I to him. I know his co-driver seems to be always in a bad mood, but when putting it all down on paper like this, it really stands out...What would you tell him?: Im am getting sick and tired of my co-driver. Right now he is mad at me because when I stopped last night I didnt drive for as long as we talked about. The reason I did that is because he asked me to stop at a Loves that way he could use host points to eat. We had talked before I started last night that I only needed to drive about 6 hours because I only have about twelve hours left on my 70 hour weekly clock ( as of last night when I stopped). Well when I hot to those place last night I had been driving for about 5:15. When I pulled in I looked at my gps and according to it the next Loves was 100 miles away. According to him I should have went on down the road to that one. Well to go to that one would have taken about an hour maybe an hour and a half. That might not sound like a lot but when youre weekly time is as low as mine is right now thats quit a bit. And while Im on the subject of time lets talks about mine and his both. I seem to consistently do most of the driving because as I said I only have 12 hours left on my weekly. He has 22 hours left. Every single time we get down real low like this I always have less time than him and I dont not around wasting it. When we took that re-set last week I only had about 5 mins left on my clock he had 9 hours. And whenever I took us into the garage awhile back for repairs he didnt know ( even though it was scheduled ) because he was asleep. He got mad at me then to and kept saying the phrase If the wheels ant turning we aint making no money. Well that may be true but if we get down the road and have a major breakdown we wont be making any money then either and then we would have the company mad at us for not taking care of the truck. And while I am talking about the truck he is in the process of destroying the transmission. I dont claim to be an expert I know Im far from it. But when he has trouble getting it into gear his solution seems to be pick a gear at random and hold and let it grind for as long as it takes until it drops in. As far staking care of it mechanically he has made his view on that very clear Well drive it til it blows . Now the next thing Im going to mention is kind of shallow but ot still makes me mad. He has shown no appreciation for everything I have either brought or bought for us to use in the truck. When he first picked me up he didnt have anything except his clothes an atlas and himself. Because of me we now have an electric cooler, a cb, a 400w power inverter, a tv ( which I never get to use because Im always either driving or sleeping but he uses all the time )and a truck specific gps ( he did get a gps but it was a peice of crap that kept freezing up ). Now I know he cant afford much he is married and has three kids so I didnt expect him to go out and get that stuff. But whenever I did a simple thank you would have been nice to hear. As far as driving schedule goes seem to magically get pushed to drive nights even though he knows I dont like it and have trouble with it. I mean whenever I have to dronkn3 or 4 amp energy drinks a night to keep going ( dont like coffee ) and I dont have to touch them during the day Im pretty sure I should always drive days. Lastly the thing that makes me the maddest of all is home time. The reason and the ONLY reason I stay out as long as I do for a month at a time is because he wont have it any other way. Whenever we stayed out that long the first time I figured he has already worked it out and had made plans so I didnt say anything. But this time whenever we came back and I mentioned it and asked to go home earlier he told me that he wasnt going to stay out any less than a month at a time. What kind of sane person wants to stay away from host family for that long? Well anyway I’m done ranting now. Sorry for the long post. ------------------ Lou Jean Adams Better to rant here than have a fight with him. Just keep your cool and remember, hes planning on leaving shortly. And also remember what you woke up and heard going on on the phone between him and another person. Its not you hes pissed at, its just that your the only one close enough to let go on... --------------------------- Marcus Dean Adams Co-driver is a young pup ass wipe. 10-4, roger, message received. Judging from the length of this post, you must be related to Lou Jean Adams, Not that I can talk much, Ive written my share of best selling novels on Facebook as well. ----------------- Lou Jean Adams all right dude... I am great at get backs! LoL ---------------- Lou Jean Adams And by the way, hes not your boss, hes your co-driver. so if hes getting pissed at the wife and ending up treating you like shit because shes not there, then maybe you ought to give a copy of this post to your dispatcher or whoever makes decisions ------------- Wetzel A. Hes an swipe but not a young pup. Hes actually pushing 40 ----------------- Lou Jean Adams just think about it.. he has a fight with her last night, and turns into an asshole with you today... granted, sounds like hes always an asshole,, but gets worse after fighting with her!! ---------------- Lou Jean Adams Next time you are at a terminal, you need to find a supervisor and have a little private chat with him... ----------------- Lou Jean Adams Not on a phone, but in person and in private.. Should be one on duty at any terminal you stop at.. He may not be the top dog, but hes close enough he can pass it on.. ------------------ Lou Jean Adams And you need to do this NOW! Cause that transmission is definitely being damaged, and you know with that attitude, hell try and lay blame at your door, so you need to make someone away of his actions now!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 01:04:00 +0000

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