Post of the day: The rate we are going, there will be no African - TopicsExpress


Post of the day: The rate we are going, there will be no African American men left in this country due to the violence towards one another. There will be no black children being created as well, because the lack of respect towards our women is clearly evident. We treat our own people with more disrespect than the KKK did and we have killed way more of our own than the KKK ever did as well. We kill, abuse, steal and hate each other more than anyone. Cancer, stroke, diabetes and clearly gun violence are the leading causes of death amongst our people. On top of that, we are extremely unhealthy. I am deeply concerned that we are basically becoming extinct as a culture and in 30 years our percentages may be under 7 percent in this country due to the amount of men being constantly locked up in prisons because of crimes we commit towards each other, lack of proper education in public schools and the number of black men falling in love with women of other ethnicities. WHY DO WE HATE EACH OTHER? We always point the finger towards others about hatred from others toward our people, but I see it more between us everyday. The N WORD is starting to piss me as well, because we are quick to go nuts about it when someone else says it to us, but we push the word in our music constantly and expect white people who are 90 percent of our sales to not even say the word even though we beat the word down people ears. I am trying my hardest to not use the word as much and hopefully soon i will never say it along with cursing. The lack of respect and love of thy neighbor has African Americans walking on egg shells with each other because there is no trust factor anymore. We are scared to speak our mind for fear of ridicule and exile from our own. When you start not feel safe around your own kind and more safe with people from other cultures that is alarming. If the people in your community reject the proposal to support you vs people from other cultures that is also disheartening. I will say it again, poverty, violence and the lack of proper education in schools are destroying our communities. There has to be something to fix this and I truly believe it can be fixed, but the decades of those things has embedded an animal rage in the minds of our people to constantly hate any and everything positive and its up to people like me and whoever reading this to change our way of thinking and reject the stereotypical ways of our kind and start being productive citizens of this nation before we are completely wipe off the map due to the actions of our own.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:01:08 +0000

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