Pearls cast before Swine: Le concept de loumma: - TopicsExpress

   Pearls cast before Swine: Le concept de loumma: un ensemble humain regroupant ceux qui oeuvrent en vue de limposition de la charia By strict mathematically analysed semantic derivation built on highly inspirational (from a historical interest in anthropology timelines of archeological interest confirmed by various religious text found preserved sometimes thousand of years after being encapsulated for posterity) written and oral tradition material (referring to still presently evolving Abrahamic traditions on the public Internet forums for simplicity of access to controversial points peppering miscreants curiosity depending among others to a certain degree on likes from facebook friendly circles and top blog rankings palmares, etc.) it is understood that misleading definitions underlay moving sands of objectivity-seeking clear-headed civilizational intergrity philosophical concerns of atheist-societal values-based threat analysis affecting into highly abstracted terrorism-overseeing spheres of general public interest the intuitive meaning derived by an hypothetic genuinely concerned member of a nuclear family unit , biological, provincial, or representing Western conservative cohesion in an airplane travel world of increasingly diversified fabric based on monetary expansion and industrial resourcefulness allowing through common expansionist sense of conservative nomadic tribe-centered traditions ideologically transcending national borderlines visa/religious screening/currency exchange concerns and constraints regulating international complex immigration dynamic flow graph theory constructs mapped on Mercator projection of the pear-shaped planet we usually modelize and demonstrated by the use of street parlance expressions like world tour or globe-trotter or settler (for example, a lot of fervently Jewish anti-zionist interpration of Abrahamic texts abidance might make it a point to sustain a philogenetic continuum independantly from the walls of Israel). Defining Oumma (that I associate with the total of clashing interpretative dissention-based collectives following a central Mohammed prophet-figure in the context of an intuitive Abrahamic speculative subclassification of convenience) as sub-human group distinct from other humans as a total population distinguishing itself (humankind) by a theoretical 2% genomic DNA (coded and non-coded) difference objectively separating Man/Womankind from Chimpanzees modern sub genetic strand analysis for clearly defined language defining borders walling humans from Chimpanzees with whom men (women) share a lot of behavioral traits fascinating Jane Goodall, as a (wo-)men collective working (Oeuvrant, see Great Work in the alchemical tradition of synthesizing Gold from crap or scraps, an occult derived interpretation that fascinated Philippe Magnan in the 90s and throughout his Masters degree dissertation at University of Montreal) with views(en vue de, meaning with the ultimately presumable Oumma objective of carrying out operationally through highest courts in the land, a Shariah-blueprint masterplan as defined in the Quran-related writs with degrees of freedom in adherence strictness like the sort leeway giving individual traits surrounding Judges interpretations of the laws currently on the books) in order to Impose (viewed in the sense of forcefully altering legal parameters that can then be theoretically enforced by judges and policemen within a given countrys legal system, which is reasonable considering Mireille Deschenes has around 30 years worth of lawyer-level professional experience at Socquije and Mercer, and the french alternate meaning of impots aka Taxes) is just redundant lingo creating a sense of vague paranoia, poetically speaking in the timeline of PosteDeVeille Albatros, Helios Gipsy-style musings accompanying Beaudelaire poetic texts. The only possible purpose seems, by transitivity to create a neophobic subconscious imprint biasing Veils on the women then affecting treatments from the birthrightfully Westernized collective to individuals human rights coping from behind the veil, with laicity debates centered on the super bio-survivally sensitive workplace accomodations of cosmetic differences in order to satisfy Money-hunger, an essential commodity seeking urge affecting everyhuman that ever spoilfully lusted for dehydrations, hunger satisfaction or sought shelters to not have to live like untamed street dogs. PosteDeVeille goes so far as to slightly, by the wayside damn the worldwide need for petroleum due to current-day reigning technological constraints from a non-environmentalistic viewpoint paradigm, because allegedly (obviously) oil imports and nuclear energy infrastructure engineering for Indians carrying high-level business dealings with the Japanese could also be damned by PosteDeVeille because greedy lower economical castes (lutte de classe) for wanting to rise from a slum-dwellers morose outlook on their kids future likelihood of free-willful escape. Arabic-God (Allah) centered Middle-Eastern World Oil wells providing import-export benefits for both parties involved in the trade, centered on wealth from traditionally oil-rich (politically-map, government/kingdom centered feodations or not) nations are allegedly to blame for increased Muslim-born immigrants evaluating welcomeness factors and official/officious criteria allowing maximum globe-trotting liberty to a greater(-est) number of people for benefits enriching both Arabic potentially permanently settling snowbirds and the host society. Human experience for neophiliacs maximises immersive cultural experience entraving liberties only as far as the neophobic agressivity threatens survival (future or present, considered as country of destination filtration device on the books/ street-level TV/newspapers debates in a satellite-assisted globalized newschain planet) of new arrivants(arrivals, more convivially conveyed) or even their peers through sheer paranoid, acute neophobic PSYCHOSIS, NEUROSIS (referring to Mireille Deschenes, Jean-Philippe Deschenes and Philippe Magnan behavioral traits dating back from before PosteDeVeilles inception, unofficially undisclosed . Therefore the number of likes all over wordpress templates and facebook posts/comments in itself as revealed to the discerning average (20- or 30-something or why not savvy 60- or 80-something) internet (DARPA-project) browsing eyes is a tell-tale sign providing more informational insight than official immigration slection rules in a possibly corrupted civil servant environment, unavoidably influenced by popular columnist undertones and opinions spins on polemic controversy animating neighborhood conversation also) .
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:11:26 +0000

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