Posted by Alex Welge: This is for all of us who feel set back - TopicsExpress


Posted by Alex Welge: This is for all of us who feel set back by the results of the US Midterm elections… I am reposting this revised post, as I have been humbled by the supportive response this post received, and would be honored if you shared this with your friends and loved ones... I just thought i would pass on my thoughts to you all on why I think things turned out the way they did, and what can be done... My aim is not to further divide, but to help connect the dots, and hopefully encourage you to continue to fight the good fight, to unite the 99%. For my Republican friends, I hope this can help you to see that there are more important forces at work here than simply Republican versus Democrat. Please put your bias aside, and be open...dig into the details...the truth is that by keeping us pitted against each other, the Billionaire class weakens us, the 99%, by encouraging us to be more polarized against each other, thus dividing us, and conquering us...while we keep our eyes focused on each other, we take our eyes off them, and they get away with murder... I think that the Billionaire class and those that support them know how to exploit the system that they rigged more effectively than we give them credit. To be sure, the ability to buy elections via Citizens United gave them an outsized influence, but here are a few more thoughts on the matter... For one, they knew that the crash of 2008 would lead to a major change in the quality of life for the 99%. They knew people would be dissatisfied, and they needed to allow that dissatisfaction to sink in, so they used their currently most ardent supporters, the Republicans in Congress, to block President Obama at every turn, b/c their worst fear was that things could be different. Second, they used one of the oldest tricks in politics, to ruin the economy as you relinquish power, and then try and pin the blame on the opposition coming in (ie President Obama), and when people eventually believe the lies and end up blaming President Obama instead of Bush, then they will be able to use that to regain power. Third, they used the media control they have to brainwash the masses. Say a lie enough times, and people will begin to believe it. The irony is the Tea Party represents hard working poor who have actually been brainwashed into fighting against their own self interest. Obamacare will actually benefit them the most. Fourth, the greatest wealth transfer mechanism ever created, i.e. the stock market, is the casino that the billionaire class own, to trick the 99% to invest the little capital they have, and then use chaos to create panic and transfer wealth. It runs on two main emotions, fear and greed. They actually feed the greed and so many have bought into the idea that they can become rich quick and avoid hard work, and they have no idea how the computerized trading system is virtually impossible to beat. The casino always makes out if you stay long enough, just like any other casino. The great lie the Billionaire class tend to feed, through their current Republican arm, is that they know how to run the economy better...this hope they dangle out there, and people fall for it... No better current example of the how the lie of trickle down economics continues to be just that…a lie…where is the trickling right now?, now that the 1% have made all the gains since Bush lost power. Perhaps some will see the truth that Wall street only benefits those that have capital to begin with and the insider knowledge to know how to manipulate the rigged system and feed off the sheep they lead to be slaughtered? The Billionaire class have no incentive to change. If they make money, they get to keep it. If they lose money, we the taxpayers, the 99%, have to pay for it. Why would they want to change a win-win proposition for them? The beautiful (and painful) irony of this is, that as more people do get slaughtered and lose their entire life savings, they start to examine why, and then they connect the dots, and can see how wrong it is when a company loses billions, for example, and needs to be bailed out by taxpayers, while the ceo and cfo get paid hundreds of millions to walk away from it all scott free…. What they want us to do is exactly what some of us are now doing…becoming deflated after the election results. Remember, their outsized influence via Citizens United serves to perpetuate the illusion that they are way more powerful in number than they actually are. As someone said, if we the 99% unite, it wouldnt matter what the 1% does. This is just one battle in a long war…a war we the 99% will win, if we continue to expose the truth, and wake up to the rigged system. They can only perpetuate it as long as they are able to hide behind their lies, and as long as we allow the lies to go unanswered and unquestioned. We have to understand their tactics and learn to not only counter those tactics, but learn from them, and use them to our benefit to perpetuate the truth enough so that it is truly known. The truth is that we are currently living in an oligarchy / plutocracy, where the 1% own multinational corporations, who in turn now essentially own our Democracy thanks to Citizens United, and the influence they are able to exert on our politicians. There are brave leaders who are not bought...Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth name a few...find them. To be fair, the billionaire class control both Democrats and Republicans with their money, although the Republicans are currently their most obedient servants. Notice who supports the repeal of Citizens United and who doesnt. Get involved. Make your voice heard. They dont want critical thinkers. They want a polarized, dumbed down electorate, who will be confused and distracted by the likes of Fox news and the hate that is perpetuated on TV. They want to weaken you through fear, and they only want obedient workers, who feel hopeless in their ability to change the rigged system, and who will serve to perpetuate a system that helps to maintain their world order and their world view, and leave them on top... Dont just blindly believe the misinformation. Do some digging into the details. Being able to critically evaluate information is of vital importance in the information age. Your ideas about how the universe works will undoubtedly influence the way you interact with the universe. If you believe the limitations they impose on you, your life will be limited by those ideas. If you believe the lies they perpetuate, to allow their corporations to keep making money, at the cost of us the 99%, at the cost of the environment, all in worship of profit, you will be imprisoned by those lies. But compassion and profit dont usually mix. If something doesnt feel right, it probably isnt. I believe that when the majority of the 99% feel the change in their lives, then things will change and the apathy will subside. Ever since Bush left us with the crash, the only ones feeling any better are the 1% for whom the system is rigged. It’s understandable then that the electorate would vote for something to change, and fall for the lies yet again. Dont judge them or blame them for falling for the lies. Sifting through the misinformation is a formidable task, and many will be fooled by their prejudice and biased upbringings. Truth will eventually come out, as it always does. It is up to us that see through it to illuminate the rest of us that are blinded, and to help to bring the truth out faster. Please don’t lose hope, for truth is your greatest ally. Everyone senses something is wrong…once enough realize why…watch out! Peace and love…
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:25:35 +0000

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