(Posted by Pastor Seng Piow) It is said that when a high lama - TopicsExpress


(Posted by Pastor Seng Piow) It is said that when a high lama unintentionally left part of his personal belongings at a place, it is considered very auspicious, it means that the lama will return again and again to make the Dharma grow at that place. One day in February 2013 in the midst of construction of Wisdom Hall at Kechara Forest Retreat, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche went for his usual rounds of inspection. It was muddy everywhere because the land was just being cleared with the soil exposed, and there were heavy rains almost everyday. Suddenly Rinpoche stepped onto a soft muddy ground, and his feet started to sink deeper and deeper, so a few of us there frantically started digging trying to excavate Rinpoches feet, while Rinpoche was given a wooden plank to sit on to prevent him from sinking further. It was a strenuous job, because the mud was very very sticky, when one handful was scooped out, the mud at the side immediately closed in, and the sticky mud also sucked on to feet very tightly that even a few people could not pull the feet out. Finally after toiling and sweating for half an hour, Rinpoche was able to dislodge himself from the mud with the help of a few strong men, but without his right-side shoe, that shoe was forever buried under the ground. I took Rinpoches left-side shoe and washed it and kept it in my room till today. Now when I looked back at the photo of the place where that incident happened, Rinpoches shoe could very well be buried, not anywhere randomly, but right under the current statue of Lama Tsongkhapa in front of Wisdom Hall. 在藏传佛教传统里,如果一位高僧喇嘛无意中把自己的随身物品留在一个地方,是很吉祥殊胜的,那表示这位喇嘛将会不断的回到那个地方,使佛法发扬光大。话说在2013年2月的某一天,克切拉禅修林的智慧殿正如火如荼地开工着,满地都是又粘又湿的黄泥,因为铲泥车刚翻过那块地,而且几乎每天都下滂沱大雨。詹杜固仁波切像平常一样去工地巡视,突然踩到一片松土,一双腿就这样陷下去了,而且越陷越深。我们一行人赶紧赤手挖泥,尝试把仁波切的腿从泥中拔出来。我们还让仁波切坐在一块木板上,以防止仁波切的身躯也陷下去。但是泥土特别粘,刚挖起一手掌的泥,旁边的泥又立刻陷入,我们几个男生花了大概半句钟,费了九牛二虎之力,总算把仁波切从泥中“解救“出来,但仁波切的右鞋缺已经挖不出来了,它被粘土牢牢的、永远的“吸“在地下了。至于仁波切的左鞋,我把它清洗干净,至今还收藏在我的房里。神奇的是,现在当我看着当天仁波切的那只鞋被埋在地下的地点的照片时,惊觉那不只是一个偶然的地点,而恰恰是今天宗喀巴大师像的所在地。。。
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:41:45 +0000

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