(Posted by the Pastors of Kechara) It was on September 25th - TopicsExpress


(Posted by the Pastors of Kechara) It was on September 25th 2013, around 9 pm, when the Pastors received a call from a stranger. Grace Chou made the call after being introduced to Kechara by a friend. Her family was having a tough time after her brother, Ken, got admitted into the hospital due to high fever. Not long after getting admitted, he fell unconscious and was placed under intensive care; it was later that the doctor found out that Ken was suffering from multiple organ dysfunction. The doctors prepared the family for the worst and there were even talks of turning off the life support machines should his symptoms deteriorate further or show no improvement. It was during this difficult time that Grace called the Pastors from Kechara to help her brother. Not knowing what else she could do besides giving spiritual support for whatever short time that is left for Ken, she arranged for the Pastors to make a hospital visit to give him blessings, hoping that if it is his time to leave, then he can go in peace. After receiving Grace’s call, and seeing the urgency in her situation, the Pastors rushed over to the hospital to give spiritual and emotional support to the family. The Pastors were greeted by Grace and her mother, Mrs Chou at the hospital. They explained in brief to the Pastors about Ken’s medical condition and asked permission from the Staff Nurse to allow the Pastors conduct a brief blessing session for Ken. When the Pastors make a prayer for someone at their time of need, it is not done only from the Pastor’s personal capability. Through these prayers, through the blessing of our teacher Tsem Rinpoche, the Pastors are able to draw forth the blessings of all the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas and Dharma Protectors to help this one being, who’s precious human life is in jeopardy. For Ken’s case, while the Pastors conducted a 30 minute blessing for Ken in the hospital, the Puja Team in Kechara were simultaneously conducting a Medicine Buddha Puja. Grace’s relationship with her brother, Ken has always been very strong. Immediately after the prayers, Grace shared with the Pastors that she felt an immense relief, and she strongly felt that her brother would survive through this difficult time. Although the Pastors were glad that Grace was being positive about the situation, they also made sure to prepare the family for the worst, in the event that Ken could not survive. The next day, the Pastors received a call from Grace. She was very happy and excited, and shared with the Pastors that her brother’s condition had improved tremendously. The family were also told by the doctors that he would survive. The Pastors rejoiced for Ken’s good fortune of surviving this ordeal. This news came unexpectedly to the grieving family, who thought that Ken wouldn’t survive due to his multiple organs failing. Grace and her family were extremely grateful to the Pastors for coming all the way to the hospital at such a short notice. For the next 4 days, the Pastors returned to the hospital to conduct prayers for him along with offering many candles in dedication to Ken. As the days passed, Grace and her family continued to receive more positive news from the doctors who kept updating her about Ken’s improvements. After many days of consistent medical care in the hospital and having pujas done for him, Ken regained consciousness. Grace was so happy about her brother’s miraculous recovery. She was so grateful towards the support that both she and her family received, so much so that when Ken regained consciousness she showed him pictures of the pujas and candle offerings made in Kechara Forest Retreat for his well being. Ken was deeply appreciative towards everything that was done for him. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of the ordeal. Shortly after regaining consciousness, it was discovered that Ken had lost all function of his lower limbs, as well as on certain parts of his fingers. This was because during his state of unconsciousness, the blood supply to his extremities were disrupted due to a lack of circulation. The doctors had no choice but to amputate both of his lower limbs from the knee down, along with the tips of his fingers. After the amputation, Ken needed to attend multiple physiotherapy sessions to rehabilitate himself. A prosthetic leg was also custom made for him in hopes that he would be able to walk independently again. The entire process of rehabilitation was difficult for him, both physically and psychologically. He felt disheartened to have lost his legs, when he hadn’t even reach 30 years old. At one point, out of sadness, he asked his mother and sister, “Why do you want to save me?”. Words of encouragement kept pouring in for him to continue his physiotherapy. Not only from his family members, but also from the nurses, doctors and even other patients! This strengthened his will and motivated to continue with the physiotherapy. Although there were times that he fell back into despair because of the challenges that he was facing, he still pushed on. The love and care from his family provided him with hope, and encouraged him to realize that things happen for a reason. This realization made him more open and accepting to his new life. Six months has passed since the time that the Pastors met him whilst he was in ICU. Now Ken leads a normal life – he even proudly shows the Pastors pictures of himself standing with his prosthetic legs! Ken and his mother continues to visit Kechara Paradise in Sunway Pyramid to offer candles. The family is really grateful that Ken survived and they continuously thank Kechara, the Kechara Pastors and Tsem Rinpoche’s blessing during their difficult time. Ken story is a very rare miracle to witness. Who could ever imagine that a young man suffering from a high fever would be left unconscious due to multiple organ failures, only to them miraculously survive. It was due to the kindness and blessing of Tsem Rinpoche, the power of the puja that Rinpoche kindly brought over to Malaysia, and the Pastors who Rinpoche ordained that the Pastors were able to witness such a miracle. Click here for more photos: tsemrinpoche/?p=52985 ********* (克切拉讲法师报导) 30分钟法会的力量 在2014年9月25日 晚上9点左右,克切拉讲法师接到了一通陌生人的电话,她是Grace,经朋友介绍认识克切拉而发出这一通电话, 她的弟弟 Ken因发高烧入院,没过多久就昏迷不省人事,被安置在重症监护室内观察,后来医生发现Ken有多个器官衰竭,要家属们做好最坏的打算。如果Ken的症状进一步恶化或没有改善, 医生可能考虑拔掉Ken的生命维持设备。 正是在这个困难的时刻,Grace打电话给克切拉讲法师要求帮助她的弟弟,因为此时此刻她不知道还能做些什么。 在这短时间内,她唯一可以给Ken的就是心灵上的支持。Grace安排了讲法师到医院给Ken加持,并希望如果他真的要离开了,他可以平静的离去。由于情况紧迫,克切拉讲法师急忙赶到医院给家属精神上的支持。Grace和母亲在医院接见了讲法师,他们简短的解释了Ken的病况, 并要求护士准许讲法师为Ken进行一场简短的加持法会。 当讲法师为所需要的人做祈祷时, 加持不仅来自于讲法师个人的能力, 法会在上师詹杜固仁波切的加持下,更能够祈请一切诸佛菩萨和护法给予祝福及加持处于危险中的宝贵生命。 以Ken的情况来说,当讲法师在医院为他进行30分钟的加持法会时,克切拉法会小组同时间也在另一个场地为他进行药师佛法会。 Grace与Ken的姐弟感情一直非常好。法会完成后,Grace马上与讲法师分享她感到一种巨大的解脱. 她强烈地感受到她的弟弟将会渡过难关。虽然讲法师对Grace的积极反应感到高兴,但还是要家属们做最坏的打算。 第二天,讲法师接到Grace的电话,她非常高兴和激动地告诉讲法师Ken的病情已经大大好转,医生告诉他们Ken能够生存下去。讲法师为逃过一劫的Ken感到非常欣慰。这对悲痛的家人来说是无比的惊喜,因为他们从没想到Ken能够在多个器官衰竭下存活。Grace和她的家人非常感谢讲法师能在如此快速的时间内赶到医院为Ken进行至关紧要的祈祷。 在接下来的4天内,讲法师回到医院为Ken进行法会,和为他大量地向佛菩萨供灯。日子一天天的过去了,Grace和家人不断收到Ken情况好转的消息。经过多日的医疗护理和法会,Ken苏醒了。Grace很高兴弟弟能奇迹般的复原。她对她和家人得到克切拉讲法师的支持感到非常感激。当Ken苏醒后,她迫不及待的给Ken看为他做的法会,和在克切拉林禅修林供灯的照片。 Ken非常感激众人为他做的一切。但这并不是艰苦的结束。苏醒后不久,Ken已经失去其所有下肢及手指某些部分的功能,这是因为在他昏迷的时候,血液严重缺乏循环,无法供应到四肢。医生只好截掉他膝盖以下的小腿和他的指尖。 截肢后,Ken需要做多次物理治疗和装上义肢,以帮助他行动。康复过程对Ken的身体和心理上来说是痛苦的。他经常感到心灰意冷,因为他还未到30岁就已失去了双腿。有一次他很悲伤地问他的母亲和妹妹,“你们为什么要救我呢?” 幸运的是,Ken得到不断的鼓励让他继续理疗。这些鼓励不仅来自他的家庭成员,还有医生,护士,甚至其他病人,这更坚定了他的意志去继续理疗。虽然有几次因面临挑战而感到绝望,他仍然继续理疗。家人的爱和关怀为他带来了希望,并让他意识到这是他必须面对的业报, 使他更加坦然地接受新的生命。 现在Ken过着正常的生活,他甚至自豪地向讲法师展示自己和义肢的照片!至今Ken和母亲仍然继续到访克切拉佛教文物中心和供灯。Ken的家属庭非常感激他能幸运活了下来, 他们无时无刻感谢克切拉,讲法师和詹杜固仁波切,因为仁波切和讲法师的加持, 让Ken得以逃过一大劫。 Ken的真实故事是一个非常罕见的奇迹。谁能想象一个年轻男子在发高烧, 昏迷不省人事及多个器官衰竭下还能生存下来。这都是詹杜固仁波切的慈悲加持,因为仁慈的仁波切将法力强大的佛教法会带到马来西亚,今天人们才能够见证这样的奇迹。 更多照片:tsemrinpoche/?p=52985
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:19:51 +0000

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