Posted for Capt. Karl - FELLOW AMERICANS, FREEDOM FORCES and - TopicsExpress


Posted for Capt. Karl - FELLOW AMERICANS, FREEDOM FORCES and PATRIOTS: Please listen: Please do not let our President and John (Hanoi Jane) Kerry, force us into War in the Ukraine. We need all of our Military RIGHT HERE at HOME to help us restore the RULE of OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws so that We The People can restore ALL USURPATIONS by our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our wages, our salaries, our property, our individual God endowed Rights, our small businesses, our economy, our jobs, our individual American Middle Class prosperity and our Freedom, back to our States and to ourselves as REQUIRED by our Tenth Amendment law, which WE ordained and established upon THEM and the jackbooted minions in THEIR alphabet soup agencies of terror, oppression, suppression, tyranny and subjugation. Do not let our elected and non-elected USURPERS, tyrants and despots distract us from our most urgent duty to restore the Rule of our Tenth Amendment law, FIRST AND FOREMOST and therewith, consequently, and in conjunction, the full restoration and affect of the balance of our Bill of Rights upon them. For then our Middle Class American wealth, prosperity and POWER will be restored to our American families and there UNDER our home Countries which form a more perfect Union (preamble of The Constitution) of fifty free and sovereign States, who GOVERN OVER our Federal Government in ALL matters and measures except for the limited eighteen powers and spending WE The People granted them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution. SO Help US God. REMEMBER War is only possible, under the RULE OF LAW, by a Declaration of War by Congress and WE do not have to let them drag us into WAR because ALL POWER resides in the people according to the preamble of the Constitution and also the FIRST LAW in U.S. Code called The Declaration of Independence. According to Article I Section 8 clause 11 only Congress has the power to Declare War. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 00:41:21 +0000

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