Posted this on my author page but thought it was worth posting - TopicsExpress


Posted this on my author page but thought it was worth posting here as well... As an author, one of the most common questions I get asked is “Why do we have to wait until (fill in the black) until your next book is out?” I’ve been getting asked this more and more, readers referring to other authors that seem to put out a book a month. Well, that won’t be me. I published my last book, Heart Of Marley, in the beginning of November. My next book, Chasing The Dragon, isn’t expected to be out until June 2015. Why? Because I’m still writing it. This story has morphed into a bit of a monster and is now a duet (two books). I need to write both books before I move on to the next stage of my process. I dont write a book. I write a story. I change my mind too much to allow any work to be done on a manuscript thats only half done. And in my mind, having only the first book done of a two-book series is an incomplete manuscript. I don’t anticipate being done with the first draft of this manuscript until the end of January, at the earliest. I’ll take you through my process so you can get an inside look at how a book goes from concept to final product. First, a story idea pops in my head. I don’t sit around and stare at a blank screen, hoping to come up with an idea. They come to me, usually when I’m out for a run. I scribble down a basic premise and start a “research” folder. I always carry a legal pad with me and whenever another idea pops in my head, I scribble it down and add it to the folder until I’m ready to start writing. Second, comes writing. I don’t outline. This means that sometimes I have to go back and rewrite parts of the story that no longer make sense because the story has changed as I began writing. I like to write this way. I have a basic story arc or where I want the book to go, but I’m not married to it. I look at my rough draft as my outline. It’s the dialogue, some action, but it’s just a basic story. Third, once I have the rough draft finished, I go and read through it at least a half-dozen times to add emotion, details, etc. I check for spelling and grammar issues and make sure the overall flow is up to my standards. I know it sounds excessive, but it’s important for me to do as much work as possible on my manuscript so that I don’t waste my beta readers and editor’s time. Fourth, I send it to my beta readers to get their feedback. (****Side note – Beta readers are not editors. Please don’t use them as such. Beta readers are simply there to point out any plot holes or anything that doesn’t make sense or that didn’t flow well in their opinion.****) Fifth, when I get notes back from my beta readers, I consider their suggestions and input any changes I agree with. Then I probably read through the manuscript another half-dozen times to prep it for my editor. Some have asked why I do so many rounds of self-editing when I pay for my manuscripts to be professionally edited. Well, I hate when people waste my time and I won’t waste someone else’s time either. I’m paying my editor to pick out things that I hadn’t found in my first dozen plus read-throughs, not stuff I could have picked out myself had I not been too lazy to put in the effort. You can’t pay someone enough to care as much as you do (but my editor does. I’m lucky there!) Sixth, I get the manuscript back from my editor after about 2 weeks or so. Then I input all the changes and read through it a few more times before sending the manuscript back to her to do a final read-through. I like to get my manuscript back from her at least 6 weeks prior to my release date. Seventh, I read-through a few more times once I’ve formatted it. I read-through both the paperback and the ebook to check for anything that was missed and for formatting issues. Last, I hit publish. So, as you can see, I put in as much time and effort into the editing and revision process as I do writing the book. Actually, probably more so. I understand that you’re all anxious about my upcoming books, and I am, too. That’s why I’m always sharing bits and pieces of my process with all of you. It’s fun and exciting for me. I love the process of writing a new story, new characters, new love. But it’s a process I won’t rush. Too many books are rushed to publication these days, giving many of us Indie authors a bad name. I take pride in the amount of time and effort I put into my books and I will never hit publish on a book that is less than my best effort just to get it out there. I’m so grateful for all my amazing readers and for this journey that I never in a million years could have imagined. I have books planned into 2020. The next two years, I have several books that I’m extremely excited about. So I thank all of you for your support and can’t wait to share my next book, Chasing The Dragon, with you in Summer of 2015.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:41:31 +0000

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