Posting a sick joke about the tragic incident in George Square is - TopicsExpress


Posting a sick joke about the tragic incident in George Square is obviously out of order but to then set up a witch-hunt for some idiot solves nothing. Ive seen people sharing the address of a guy that made a very crass remark online and others promising to share it around. So let me get this straight...youre going to go petrolbomb his house, graffiti his walls, tan his windows? And how does that serve any form of justice? There is no such thing as justice when it comes to a horrible accident where people lost lives, there are only victims; and this just creates more. All this shit does is compound existing tragedy with yet more misery and negative reaction, and absolutely nobody comes out of it a winner. Giving such a guy any sort of reaction only validates the attempt at attention. The most appropriate response is to ignore such a feeble attempt at humour, take it from me. I am sick of seeing this cycle repeat itself... 1. Tragedy 2. Grief 3. Sick Joke 4. Outrage at Sick Joke 5. Vilification of Sick Joke Perpetrator. 1 and 2 are unavoidable, 3 unfortunately seems inevitable but 4 and 5 do not cancel anything out for the better. Obviously some people need to learn respect but this will never be taught with rabid mob mentality. Grief is a natural thing but it is pointless to channel this into outright anger at one misguided fud. Real life events sometimes fill you with a sense of futility with no clear figure to aim frustration at, but manufacturing a villain of the piece does not lessen this sadness; it just mutates it into something much uglier. I dont know of anything that can make right a situation like this; but I do know that no amount of wrongs will. Try be good to one another, even when it seems impossible, and have a nice Christmas. Peace x
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:49:18 +0000

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