Posting because we must all be concerned. Lets all go vote A - TopicsExpress


Posting because we must all be concerned. Lets all go vote A WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL PATRIOTIC TEXANS!!! To all my Texas com padres: Sometimes we get so caught up in what is going on nationally that we forget about the politics in our own state. Things are not so chiseled-in-stone here that we can afford to relax and think things will take care of themselves - because they will, but maybe not in the way we think! So, thanks to my good friend, Susie in Austin , for the following article I hope you will read it and respond appropriately. If you want to know more about Jeremy Bird, who is mentioned in this article as being the driving force behind turning Texas blue, please read the bio on him that I have included at the end of the article. Thanks, Mary Lou THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL PATRIOTIC TEXANS!!! You didnt think Obama could win? So, now you dont think the Dems can win the Texas Governorship? Please read to the end and pass this on to your friends, your children, or anyone who doesnt take Voting as seriously as THEY should! TEXAS VOTERS PAY ATTENTION !!! The Democrats are planning, what most Texans would consider the unbelievable, that they can elect a Democrat as Governor of Texas in 2014, and why do they think that? 1... Governor Perry won his election by 650,000 votes; only 38% of the population voted; and only 25% of Blacks and Hispanics voted. 2... Republicans in Texas are complacent and will not turn out in large numbers because they think they cant lose. 3... Jeremy Bird has successfully, over the last 3 years, turned both Virginia and Colorado from Red to Blue. 4... Jeremy Bird is now targeting Texas as his next conquest and has $10 million as an initial war chest to accomplish this task. 5... Jeremy started his campaign to win Texas in January 2013, he has paid community organizers (ring a bell?) in all major cities in Texas with an objective to register 650,000 new voters by Nov. 2014. 6... The organizers since Jan. 2013 have been hiring and organizing their people to put in place thousands of Deputy Registrars, who can register voters, across the country. These Deputies will register the 650,000 new voters. 7... How will they do that? They will visit selective churches in their area, food banks, welfare offices, and local selective events to sign up and register new voters. 8... In addition to signing .them up, they will get their phone numbers and email addresses plus establish block captains who will ensure their streets will vote. 9... They believe by doing this, not only will they increase the number of certain voters , but will also increase substantially the number of those who will vote their directed way. If you have never heard of Jeremy Bird, Google him and find out all you want to know about this very dangerous person to Our Great State. Texas turns Blue and the Country turns Blue. They believe by the Nov. 2014 election they will be able to increase the Democratic vote by over 1 million. They believe, based on the historical low Republican voting turnout, they will get a Democrat elected as Governor and in addition will increase significantly the number of Democrats elected. This in turn will reduce the majority the Republicans now have in both the House and Senate. Do you understand what is being said here? If this does not get your attention and scare you, we are in trouble. Or if you do NOT see red and understand it, we are really in trouble. Unless we can engage more conservatives to become actively involved to counteract the Democrats and specifically Jeremy Bird, they will be successful… if not in 2014 than in 2016 or 2018. They are committed to defeat us and will spend the money and resources to make it happen. If they can take down VA and CO so quickly, they can take Texas down as well even if it takes more time. If they take Texas , a Democrat will be president for the foreseeable future. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS FOR THE WORKING, TAX PAYING CITIZENS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . If I still have you, that means Ive got your attention and thats good. But please keep in mind that the Democrats know that they will have to spend NO money to take Austin and very little to take Houston . Austin is already blue and Houston is very near. And if Texas turns Blue, it will be almost impossible to change it back. JEREMY BIRD: Jeremy Bird grew up in High Ridge , Missouri , the son of two financially struggling very religious parents (Baptists). He managed to get a degree in Religion in 2000, and advanced degrees in Theology, Government, and Negotiation from Harvard and Harvard Law School in 2002 and following. Bird worked on the political campaigns of both Howard Dean and John Kerry, and both presidential campaigns of Barack Obama. He was the National Field Director for Obamas 2012 campaign and has also served as Deputy Director of Organizing for America. Since 2012, Bird has co-founded 270 Strategies, a political consulting firm. One of his first post 2012 clients was Senator Cory Booker from New Jersey , who won the 2013 special election in that state. His organization has been hired by a group setting up the infrastructure for Hillary Clintons possible presidential run in 2016. His organization has now founded Battleground Texas, supposedly devoted to making Texas politics more competitive. He also helped to found iVote, a super PAC dedicated to helping democrats win Secretary of State races. Looks like its time to take on the governorship! Their main focus is to turn Texas blue. Dont be guilty of sitting back and saying, Cant happen in Texas !. It most certainly CAN if conservatives stay away from the polls and all those new voters (on government assistance) that Birds group is aggressively pursuing, turn out. Texas used to be a Democrat state. Remember - an integral part of being aware is being informed. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:25:18 +0000

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