Posting on behalf of a supporter .... Hi I have passed this - TopicsExpress


Posting on behalf of a supporter .... Hi I have passed this message on via Vicky as I am intimidated by Peter DCO I realise on this fb page people are too scared to name rangers for fear of reprisal, but they need to take account for their actions, in any other job they would be taken to a tribunal. Peter DCO has attacked my dog. Him and and his mate told lies and tried to get neighbours to agree to complaining about my dogs. They then thought we were too stupid to realise how the system worked and tried to get our dogs removed via the court. But he was caught. Phil Evans knows and was aware of everything he was doing but would not take action against Peter DCO instead he got promotion. Beware some of the rangers, if they cant get your dogs the legitimate way they will lie and make up evidence against you. You need to know your rights. They cant take action against your dog barking unless they have been recorded to prove they are a nusiance. To do this they have to notify you that they are doing this. They cant stand outside your fence or in their van and say your dog is barking or rushing, because of cause a dog is going to react with a dog ranger right by their property, all dogs will do that, it is their nature. Do not let them bully or intimidate you, although they did me but I was lucky enough to have a solicitor in my street who helped me out. Why are these people in this job if they are not dog lovers. They have been seen kicking dogs in the pound. The SPCA needs to wise up these abusers, but as they are council workers they get away with it. Would we let a paedophile work with our kids in care? Yes strong comparison, but why are animal abusers working with our dogs? May I stress no all the rangers are like this, there is a very small minority of decent dog lovers. You know who you are, keep up the good work, we need you. Yet Evans is trying to get these guys out. Why is the Mayor letting this happen, it shameful and Hastings Animal Control seems to infamous all round New Zealand - does that make your proud Phil Evans and Lawrence Yule?
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 06:00:47 +0000

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