Potential Lawsuit Safar 30, 1436 December 22, - TopicsExpress


Potential Lawsuit Safar 30, 1436 December 22, 2014 Generally speaking, Imam Al-Mahdi will be born into this world just like any other human being so its impossible for him to be associated to any Islamist group (e.g. that has carried out certain activities in the past century) while he is an infant learning words. Muslims must rely on the sayings of Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) in order to appoint the right person as a caliph. I mentioned in The End Times Y + M + W that after the false messiah was released, the Ottoman Empire was demolished and that the caliphate will be restored through Imam Al-Mahdi. Firstly, I do not support any group which is mentioned on news channels because they may be invented by entities that opposes Islam. I will eventually have my own website, but I thought since a truce will be established, Facebook and Youtube wouldnt mind me sharing useful information. The non-Muslims and Muslims can learn a lot from me as oppose to the news they hear from various media sources. As you can see, people feel more engaged when a person speaks the truth and shows sincerity as oppose to relying on jealous headlines on TV. The Muslims as a whole nation must file a Lawsuit against the entities which falsely represent the religion of Islam especially since a Caliph has much more knowledge than ordinary scholars who have appeared throughout history. Have you then no sense? The information which I have shared proves my statement because its 100% true and it was not recorded in the books. Also, the people who are employed by various news channels do not have a degree from Maktba Dar-Us-Salam, so they have no right to interpret Islam. Since they dont mention the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) during the 7th century and how the false messiah endorses wars in Islamic countries, they can only teach people what they learned in school from their professors. You cannot blame Islam for your lack of knowledge on certain subjects and you must leave the Muslims to appoint a Caliph who will address the public whether they be Muslim or non-Muslim. The countries around the world do have a right to inquire about their national security but once an Islamic leader gives them an assurance or when a truce is signed, then everyone will be more at ease. To the Mujahideen of Islam: Do not harm civilians and attack only the enemies of Islam. The Islamic lands must not be materialized, and secularists must stop their activities permanently or they will be expelled from the lands. Boycott all types of products which support the enemy and place sanctions on them in every way you can. NATO forces must leave as soon as possible or they may be persecuted without orders given from an appointed Caliph. The Jews and Christians who may reside in Islamic lands must pay the Jizya(tax) by the source available to them but at any point in time, they must be prepare for the restoration of an Islamic monetary system.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:01:19 +0000

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